<p>Hey guys.
I've never taken the ACT before.
But i took the SAT 3 times and finally got the score i wanted. = 2200
But my reading is really low compare to the other two scores (CR-630, Math-790, WR-780)
The schools that i want to apply to (the lower ivies, JHU, Duke, Rice, etc) would probably like to see a better reading score than 630.
That's why i'm gonna try the ACT.
but if i get a composite score of around 33+, do you think that can boost my chance regardless of my past sat scores? (let's say i get around 32 for reading)?
Woudnt they sitll wonder why i got such a low score on the SAT Critical reading?</p>
<p>You make it sound so easy, but if you get a 33+, you’re not going to get denied from any ivy just for your score.</p>
<p>wel. i’m not saying getting something over 33 is easy. but thanks for your opinion :)</p>
<p>No, for all they know, you could have a very limited vocabulary and you got 100% CR but got all the vocab wrong. The ACT has no vocabulary, so there will be differences in scores. But if you got 100% vocab right on the SAT and not so hot on the CR, than your ACT score will reflect that.</p>
<p>Goodluck with your 33 though, heh.</p>
<p>Maybe try to retake the SAT and study very hard for the critical reading section. With a 2200, you should be fine for most of the schools you are applying to. Scores aren’t everything, you can rejected with a 2400 SAT from all those schools if you aren’t a well-rounded person.</p>