If I got waitlisted, does that mean I am guaranteed admission in the Spring?

<p>...Or the following Fall?</p>

<p>You need to read the letter carefully. Some get select waitlist which guarantees admission spring 2009 or fall 2009. I think there is a regular waitlist, which I am not familiar with. My son got the select waitlist letter.</p>

<p>I found this link with a general explanation of how the wait list system works (not specific to Geneseo). Definitely make sure you have another college lined up for your back up plan. </p>

<p>What</a> to Do When You're Waitlisted</p>

<p>How can I tell if it's the select waitlist or the regular?</p>

<p>The letter they sent says we are offering you a position on the select wait list and also explains about the spring or fall guarantee.</p>

<p>i reckon i'll give them a call tomorrow.</p>

<p>it said something about it in bold, but i think my mom threw out the letter because she thought it was a rejection :-/</p>

<p>slater6661, the easy way to tell is if you got a response card in the envelope which you are required to return to remain on the select waitlist. There wasn't just a letter in the envelope. Any way, admissions should be able to tell you when you call, so let us know the outcome, please.</p>

<p>so if it's select, then it just comes with the letter, or it comes with the response card that you return to them? You didn't make that quite clear to me...</p>

<p>the letter will say whether or not its select...i believe there was a card that asked you whether or not you wanted to stay on the list</p>