
<p>Hi was just curious does everybody get wait listed from Geneseo or are some people rejected too? Thanks!</p>

<p>bingo were u offered Spring admission?</p>

<p>It says i was offered spring admission however I can also emaili <a href=“mailto:waitlist@geneseo.edu”>waitlist@geneseo.edu</a> no longer than april 15th</p>

<p>I got the same thing as your daughter. the small envelope. however I’m not sure if they offer everybody the wait list option and if people are flat out denied?</p>

<p>My daughter got that a few years ago, and did go in the spring. She doesn’t regret it. They really try to have the spring freshmen room near each other and organize social events.</p>

<p>For those who are waitlsted still and for future applicants in the years ahead who look at this thread. They have admitted off the wait list. Even as late as yesterday. My daughters friend was just admitted for Fall 2013. These were people admitted for Spring of 2014 and on the select waitlist. My daughter received her letter on March 15 after accepting a position on the waitlist! So it does happen!</p>