If I take foreign language junior and senior year does senior year count ?
What do you mean by “count”? On the common app, you list your senior year courses so colleges will see your senior year classes. Then when your first semester or quarter grades are available, your guidance counselor will send them to the schools you applied to to be included in your application.
College high school course requirements or recommendations, such as requiring or recommending four years of English, three or four of math, or two or three of language to apply, are requirements or recommendations that need to be completed by the end of senior year in high school not by the time you apply for college. When you apply, you or your high school provides information showing the courses that you are currently taken in senior year. Many colleges require that you also have your first semester senior grades sent after you apply,
If you are asking whether your grades that you recieve at end of senior year will be considered for admission, the answer is no since admisison decisons are made before then, but they will be considered to determine whether any admission offered should be withdrawn.
If you sign up to take SPanish 4 senior year, then yes it counts for having 4 years of a foreign language.