I'm pretty much vague about my future...but i'm hoping to get some answer from this website:) i'm thinking of pursuing a life of an FBI or a career related to that (hopefully xD)
anywayz. i heard there's five entry programs in FBI: Accounting, Computer Science, Language, Law, and Diversified. I was thinking about toward accounting,law,or language program. What should i consider for my major? Also, will majoring in business econ and minoring in accounting in UCLA or UCI give me potentials?? i found out that UC schools don't have a major in accounting..or do they?! i heard cal state is good for business but i really want to go to UC schools...(or USC) T-T
one more question...what is the difference between business econ and business administration? i googled it....but i still don't quite get it.hehe which one do u guys prefer??</p>
<p>ehhhh it's a bit long..but i would really appreciate it if you guys can help me out!
It would ease my complicated life for a bit ;(
Thank you so much and have a nice day;)</p>
<p>Many UC schools have strong accounting programs even though they may not offer a major in accounting. UCI, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, UCLA, and UCB offer all the courses required to go into public accounting (I believe) and they are all campuses on the BIG4 Firms’ recruiting list. Minoring in Accounting definitely is a good way to do it if there is not a major available. </p>
<p>Many state schools offer a major in accounting and they are recruited by accounting firms as well, but like you said, I wouldn’t want to go to a state school either. I think the UCs offer more than enough resources for a prospective accountant.</p>
<p>oh really? i didn’t know anything about programs. i should search more about it.
but briefly…how does thing program thingy work. i know it’s a dumb question…but i finally learned about the major and the minor stuff…and now theres also programs too?? T.T</p>
<p>Thank you by the way~~XD</p>
<p>I’m not sure what you mean. Most of these schools have a “Business Econ” program. They offer standard econ courses in addition to intro and intermediate accounting courses.</p>
<p>UCSB actually has a major in accounting whereas at the other UCs u can focus on accouting, but ur still a biz admin/biz econ/econ major</p>
<p>CSU’s are great for entering the work force immediately; UC’s have the potential to place you above many. But it’s all up to how you position yourself. </p>
<p>SO you should also think about how far you wanna get with your career.</p>
<p>cali trumpet > ohhhh so u mean i can just focus on accounting through taking this classes(programs) without majoring in accounting and still go towards accounting? (am i making any sense? lol)
basically im just confused whether this program is same thing as the major or not. sorry if i confused u…im hopeless =/ hehe but thank u so much
it really helped me out a lot!!xD</p>
<p>calbearguy> oh really? so i can still focus on accounting even though i major in business admin/ business econ/ econ? ic…that solved one of my puzzle there. thank you:)</p>
<p>nujabes29> okayyyy i really should!! thanks~:D</p>
<p>Basically if you are majoring in business econ/business admin/econ, you can take more of an “accounting route” that fulfills the requirements in your major + gives you a foundation in accounting. </p>
<p>Take UCSC for example. To major in business econ you need to take two lower div acct courses. After that, it’s up to you if you want to take more acct courses or not. If you do, there will be classes such as: intermediate acct, auditing and attestation, tax factors, managerial cost accounting, advanced accounting. You can take these courses TOWARDS your business econ major or you can completely steer away from them if you don’t want to touch the acct route. So even though you won’t technically get that accounting major, you will have a sound basis with all the acct courses that the UC’s offer. Here is a link to UCSC’s requirements for majoring in business econ and you will see how easy it is to just take a complete acct route </p>
<p><a href=“Undergraduate Program”>Undergraduate Program;
<p>Do you think we can take the upper division courses without taking the lower division core classes? if your major is not business econ/business admin/econ that is?</p>
<p>UCSD gives you the option to minor in accounting.</p>