<p>Or does it have to by like 'Why Harvard' or 'why did you pick the major you did'. I'm just wondering because I'm writing about something that's completely unrelated to anything. But, it does show them how I think, if that counts for anything.</p>
<p>It can be anything. They don’t take into account demonstrated interest, so I wouldn’t write a Why Harvard.</p>
<p>Use it to give them a reason to accept you - tell a good story about who you are and why you are awesome…</p>
<p>^ Yeah, or write a 50 page autobiography etc.</p>
<p>^Yeah, or submit the first draft of your 200-page fantasy novel etc.</p>
<p>lol. Don’t write a why Harvard…they don’t care. If they did, they would have asked you the question like other schools…</p>
<p>What do you mean “why harvard?”</p>