If You Aren't an Athlete

<p>Are the majority of students at Princeton student/athletes?</p>

<p>If you have strong SAT's, valedictorian and spend time in drama as the extra-curricular and not team sports - does it mean don't even bother applying to Princeton?</p>

<p>...not at all!</p>

<p>where would you get an idea like that from?</p>

<p>the sports scene at princeton, unlike many other institutions (duke always comes to mind), is in no way predominant or overbearing. athletes and nonathletes coexist with ease, and the former are not given the preferential treatment/God-like status that they are elsewhere (......JJ Redick).</p>

<p>thats the thing about princeton that i love... no matter what you're involved in—be it squash, theather, a capella—you'll be able to find a vibrant, dedicated, and talented community to share that passion.</p>

<p>besides, the Dean is continually looking to admit artsy, theather, green-haired-esque applicants. so that could work well for you.</p>

<p>Princeton theater is actually wonderful. Ask philntex, a regular poster on this board. More than 30 years later I still remember so vividly performing at Intime and in Triangle. And I wasn't even one of the very good ones:).</p>

<p>Galwain, when I read your post I honestly did laugh for a few minutes. However, I understand that one could get an impression like that from posts on this board and elsewhere. Princeton does have strong athletics, and the school has a lot of pride in their student-athletes, but that in no way means the majority of the students are. I would actually have to say student-athletes are a small minority on campus, and number less than people who perform, act, and play in the countless performing arts, music, and dance troupes and programs. I never participated in any sport for serious college-admission purposes, in fact, despite the fact I played 2 sports (1 each winter and spring), I was much more involved in my school wind ensemble and our theatre company, and devoted twice as many hours to that than to any sport. I'm sure you will find that the number of 'fine arts' people nowadays highly outnumber the athletes, although both are very significant in the school scene.</p>

<p>the percentage of student-athletes at Princeton is about 25...i wouldnt call that a small minority, but it is not in any way the majority.</p>

<p>Also, the University isn't recruiting students just based on athletic ability. To be a recruited athlete at Princeton, you still have to have some of the highest grades of student athletes from across the nation. The Ivy league has different standards than other Div. 1 schools when it comes to athletics. There is a large percentage of athletes because athletics is just another example of a student's well-roundedness; and I think it is safe to say that all students at Princeton are pretty well rounded.</p>