If you fail some classes at one community college if you transfer to another community college will they stay on your gpa?

I failed my last two classes after already walking the stage at my current college. I don’t want to Go to that school anymore, and My financial Aid will no longer be eligible at that college. So Im Transfering out to another community college to signup for another degree and finish the degrees that I already started at my Current College. Will my bad grades transfer?

You will have to provide your transcript from CC1 to anywhere else you apply to matriculate for a degree.

I failed my last two classes after already walking the stage at my current college

This implies that you graduated from your current CC. Is that accurate?

Also, what financial aid are you no longer eligible for…and do you have a plan to pay for CC2.

And lastly…how many “degrees” do you need from a community college?

Your Gpa starts anew at the new college.
Your transcript with the failed classes follows you everywhere you attend (and is part of a clearinghouse to ensure you’re not tempted to hide the Fs).
You can retake the failed classes at your new CC to prove you can do better or if thise were needed for Gen Eds or pre major.

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Yes, it’s going to stay on your GPA, because they’re going to require all transcripts. If you re-take the class, generally, they remove the failing grade.

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