<p>^lol, I meant, two ^^ up.</p>
<p>There. Sorry, mermaid. :)</p>
<p>^lol, I meant, two ^^ up.</p>
<p>There. Sorry, mermaid. :)</p>
<p>There’s a simple solution to the whole economic crisis/pushing child on the mother who’s unable to care for them argument. Adoption. It actually happens. </p>
<p>As for a child with some genetic disorder, well…That’s a different story. I honestly don’t know what I’d do. On the one hand, the doctor could be wrong. It happened to my mom and she had to get a second opinion. On the other hand, if every doctor says the same thing then, I guess, it’s better than having them live a cruel life. </p>
<p>It’s sort of like voluntary euthanasia. Should people with terminal illness have to suffer if they’re going to die anyway? Hmm…</p>
<p>I’m against abortion in most cases, I guess you would say, but not in all cases. It seems like a very case-by-case thing. And not something that a lot of people, scientists included, fully understand.</p>
Well then the organism was just unfit, and will pass away with due time anyways.</p>
<p>oh yikes this is turning into an abortion debate >=[</p>
<p>lol </p>
<p>I think an abortion within the first trimester is fine. After that, not so much…
but I agree that “killing a baby” sounds so much harsher than abortion.</p>
<p>Oops, I hope I didn’t contribute to that.
lol, but seriously, pigs, don’t blame us. This topic was just beggggggggging to be turned into such a discussion.</p>
<p>lol…so what?</p>
<p>Abortion sounds like an intense word, though. It just has that…sound. Strange, but I can’t think of a way to put it. Sort of like how knife is a harsher word than fork.</p>
<p>Really? Fork imo sounds harsher than knife. I think it’s because knife has the softer “fe” sounds compared to “rk” of fork. And then Abortion has the “rt” which sounds like a harder syllable.</p>
<p>haha meadow, I love you. So unsentimental and dependable.
But seriously, you have a point. (considers it thoughtfully)</p>
<p>I agree that “abortion” just sounds very scientific and objective. Without the sentiment of “killing a baby”, it does sound detached almost, probably making many people more ok with the concept.</p>
<p>Oh waitwut? I consider myself somewhat emotional. What other way would you interpret the “sound” of the word?</p>
<p>It is not a baby, it’s a fetus.</p>
<p>Except that it doesn’t have to.</p>
<p>Yes it does. If it doesn’t it’s not considered “living” so to say. i.e.- a virus.</p>
<p>Post menopausal women … are no longer living?</p>
<p>See menopause is a strange thing, since it only occurs in humans. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can provide a completely satisfactory explanation for that but here’s what I think. Well I guess we can initially classify it as one of those exceptions to the rule. Although now, we need to bolster that claim appropriately, otherwise it’s just an annoying statement. I guess verification could lie in the fact, that it’s an evolutionary adaptation, which would not really be necessary for a non-living organism. Or if you don’t believe that then it can also be said that increases likelihood for survival of offspring, in which case would only be applicable to a living organism. Does that make any sense?</p>
<p>romani: well, baby or fetus, the word “kill” makes things alot more severe.
and I also agree that abortion sounds like a weird word. I don’t know how to explain that though…</p>
<p>^ It’s not killing if it wasn’t alive. It wasn’t alive.</p>