If you have a bad GPA, could you just start over?

<p>say you have a low GPA at Uni A.</p>

<p>Can you drop out and enroll at Uni B as a freshman with a clean slate?</p>

<p>as far as I know if you've completed a certain amount of time at Uni A, Uni B will only recieve you as a transfer student, thus retaining your past GPA</p>

<p>I have less than 30 credits (about 18) --so I doubt I MUST enter as a transfer student, as most schools consider transfers as 30 or more credits -correct?</p>

<p>So if I drop out with less than 30 credits, I can apply to any school with only HS transcript/scores and treat my Uni A transcript as if it never existed?</p>

<p>I'm really not sure.I think your best bet is to contact Uni B directly.</p>

<p>I'm completely undecided about Uni B.</p>

<p>If anyone as the answer, that'd be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>My friend transfered from his university to mine with about 20 or so credits. So even if you do drop out of A, you have to transfer to B with everything.</p>

<p>Some schools don't consider transfer credits in GPA calculations. At Boston University, for instance, they grant you course hours for the transferred classes but start you off with a fresh GPA. Unless you are applying to medical/law/grad school after college, those grades would essentially "disappear" from your new transcript.</p>

<p>The norm is for most schools to transfer credits but not GPA...</p>

<p>No, you can't start over. So don't screw up.</p>

<p>GPA doesnt transfer over unless you go to a CC</p>

<p>be sure to check the website of colleges you are considering VERY carefully, and I'd check with the admission office as well. At the UC schools in CA, for example, they clearly state you can't disregard courses from other schools and "start over".</p>