if you want, can you chance me???

<p>male from Houston,Texas</p>

<p>gpa: 4.5/5.0 (our school doesnt do unweighted gpa)
rank: 3/371
ACT: 34 w/ 11 on essay</p>

<p>ap classes taken: us history, eng comp, spanish 4, calculus, biology, statistics, eng lit, world history, micro, macro,government </p>

*Bravo company commander of rotc my junior yr
*Battalion Adjutant senior yr
*2 yrs rotc drill team (commander second year)
*3 yrs rotc colorguard (commander fourth year taking team to win 2nd place in district which is rare)
*President of National Honor Society
*President of Spanish National Honor Society
*President of League of United Latin American Citizens
*President of Club Six
*Vice president of DECA
*Computer science uil team</p>

<p>currently im on the gap year; in the meantime, I'm working, consulting my mother's job to improve sales, will begin selling products through the internet, and in the works of publishing a book.</p>

<p>other factors:
*first generation college student
*low income family less than 20 grand a year</p>

<p>Please be brutally honest. Thank you :)</p>

<p>Yeah i think you have a good shot dude.</p>

<p>I think your chances are great. Pretty sure the school is need-blind, however, meaning your family’s income should not play a factor. But you you can certainly win some merit-based scholarships.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure Wes does not have merit based scholarships, but you will be likely to receive a full need-based scholarship if admitted. And i think your chances are excellent for admission. Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks guys for the positive feedback :smiley:
i appreciate it</p>

<p>daaaang, coco junior year? Our jrotc doesn’t let you be coco till senior year haha. But yeah, great stats. I think you’ve got a great chance.</p>

<p>Just wondering what kind of chance this guy would have if he weren’t Hispanic.
Because 4.5 on 5.0 scale is about 3.6 on a 4.0 scale, and if that’s your weighted GPA, that is not very high.</p>

<p>I also don’t think colleges would take your “in the works of publishing a book” into great account unless it has already been published or perhaps has been edited and is in its very final stages. Heck, I could be “in the works of publishing a book” if I wanted to.</p>

<p>Just there for parents weekend (daughter #1 is freshman). The president gave
a talk, and spoke of geographic diversity being a priority. There are ahuge number of New York/Boston students. Given Houston, male,
Hispanic, with great ACT scores, you look good. Wonderful school, good luck</p>