If your wallet gets stolen at UA

<p>^^^I would go back to the last place she was and see if someone turned it in there. If this happened at a retail establishment, items are routinely returned to the cashiers or managers instead of being returned directly.</p>

<p>I hope she gets her purse returned. It is good practice to only keep what you absolutely need in your wallet at any given time.</p>

<p>^and to keep your keys in a place other than where your ID is, so in case of loss, the person who finds the keys does not know the address where they belong.</p>

<p>Update- D had her bag returned today with everything in it except the cash. Happy ending- lesson hopefully learned!</p>

<p>Okay, not to be Debbie Downer, but if her money was missing… then there was a theft…she needs to contact her bank(s) and have her debit card/credit card(s) re-issued with new numbers. Someone can copy the account numbers and get the verification number from the back of the cards. With these numbers, purchases can be made online or by phone. It is an inconvenience but better safe than sorry. However, if there were no debit or credit card(s) -disregard this advice.</p>

<p>Son’s backpack seems to have been stolen…sigh. Thanks for this thread so I could tell him how to proceed.</p>

<p>vlines - what was the circumstance? Just wanting to warn DS to be mindful, and if it’s something he’s doing/not doing, I can at least pass it on.</p>

<p>So sorry for the stress it’s got to be causing your boy - NRDSON would be freaking out.</p>

<p>You’re very welcome…I’m very sorry to hear this, esp around registration time…as it will be stressful on all concerned.</p>

<p>But my advice doesn’t stop there!
If your backpacks have tablets, iphones, cell phones, computers, ipads, etc. in them: have your students copy down the serial numbers for them. This was advised over and over at BamaBound (and we all did it, right?!) by the campus police*. I told my S about this when we moved in - how we forgot to do this important precaution - and guess what, he didn’t follow through.
So, be forewarned, and I’m going to have him do this TONIGHT!</p>

<p>*Campus police told me they have a pretty good record of returning stolen electronics if they have the serial nos for them…</p>

<p>I am sure we have the serial numbers here. My son was working on the electronics registration form this summer, not sure if he completed it. </p>

<p>I dont have the whole story, but it sounds like it happened in the dining hall. I’ll let you know when I have the whole story.</p>

<p>Ok, another quick update. As a ‘guest’ on my son’s accounts receivable page, I noticed quite out of the blue today that he now has the $25 duplicate Action Card fee listed on his account. (It was not there last week.) I called to ask when this new charge was due, as it appears it might (at this last date) be carried over into the Spring. Not so. So glad I called! This charge is not only due Nov 14th…but a whopping $30 late fee would have been assessed if not paid on time! Altho we both knew he would be assessed the $25 fee (for getting a new Action Card), I don’t recall S mentioning an email about this “bill” (as AR office said was de rigueur)…so be forewarned to check your student’s account every once in awhile for fees. This would include library fines and other such things. You could allow your student to learn the hard way, of course, but for some of us, the $$$ ultimately comes out of the same pocket, so…</p>

<p>Also, vlines - what is the update on your S’s predicament?</p>

<p>And PS: Your Students’ Spring bill will be able to be seen starting Nov 20th…and is due Dec 14th, according to the Student Receivables website.</p>