IGETC Certification

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I have recently come across a problem with IGETC certification. On the IGETC certification requirements, it states " all areas of the IGETC must be completed prior to transfer and all courses must be competed a 'c' or better to receive IGETC certification." My question is, is it possible to take a class that's listed under Group A: Arts and take it Credit/No Credit? I have asked several counselors regarding this question and the answers given went both directions (as we all know, majority of the CCC counselors are S**T). But I did think through this question before:</p>

<p>In order to get Credit, one needs to have at least a C (which does not contradict with the statement listed on the formal paper). On the other hand, if a student is able to go around the system and take EVERY course CR/NR with only one of them being an A, he or she can easily get a 4.0 (or at least be very close to it). </p>

<p>I hope I have made my question clear. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. AND any successful UC transfer who had taken a Credit or Pass and was still able to be certified for IGETC, please let me know! </p>

<p>Thank you!!!!!</p>


<p>It is OK. The reason you can’t just take almost everything P/NP is because schools will not assume you got A’s for everything that you got a “P” for, and will not think of your gpa really as 4.0 (as in your example).</p>

<p>You are much better off by taking courses for letter grades. Good schools are suspicious of P/NP. Many of them require you to explain why a particular course was taken for P/NP and to get a letter from the course instructor elaborating on your performance in the class. It is just simpler to take the course for a letter grade than to go through all this pain.</p>

<p>Oh, and if you’re planning to xfer to UC, I believe that UC requires you to take IGETC courses for a letter grade.</p>

<p>First of all, thank you for the response. Now… both of you guys are saying the different things. And definitely… If I were the admission officer, I’d have the same doubt. But the main reason why I want to take P/NP is because of a “possible” B in my art class (history of modern design). I am an econ major so I don’t think that’d be a major problem? What do you think?</p>

<p>this is on the bottom of the UC IGETC form for my school (Foothill)

  1. Courses used for IGETC certification must be passed with a minimum grade of C (C minus is not acceptable.). Grades of “Credit”
    or “Pass” are acceptable providing the grade designation is equivalent to a grade of C or higher.
  2. AP scores may be used for IGETC. See a counselor for qualifying scores.
  3. Students with completed coursework from other institutions must present official transcripts and course descriptions in order for
    Foothill faculty to determine whether the course(s) meet IGETC standards."</p>

<p>should have posted this too
<a href=“http://www.foothill.edu/transfer/forms/TransferGEGuide07.08.pdf[/url]”>http://www.foothill.edu/transfer/forms/TransferGEGuide07.08.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
BTW I do agree it’s better to take a class for a grade, I’m just saying it’s not required.</p>

<p>You can take IGETC courses C/NC</p>

<p>No person will take all or even majority of their IGETC c/nc as just about every CC has a limit of how many units can be taken for credit/no credit.</p>

<p>Generally, taking two courses C/NC is okay, three or more is pushing it and will be detrimental to your application. Also, taking pre-requisites to your major C/NC hurts you.</p>

<p>First of all IGETC requirements can be taken as C/NC or P/NP if C or P = C . If thats the standard at your CC then you can’t. As long as C/P = C at your CC then its acceptable as completing a requirement for IGETC.</p>

<p>The following link has the information about this: [University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/transfer/tr_info_ccc/tr_planning_IGETC.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/transfer/tr_info_ccc/tr_planning_IGETC.html)</p>

<p>Secondly, theres a maximum number of credits that you can take as C/NC or P/NP. Also, taking pre-reqs for your major as C/NC or P/NP is not recommended. Most of the time they want your major pre-reqs taken for a letter grade. There are exceptions and you should refer to your major department at the schools you are trying to transfer to. As a general rule you shouldn’t take major pre-reqs as C/NC or P/NP.</p>

<p>Now if you can’t get your IGETC certified because people at your CC said that you need letter grades then just show them the UC link I posted above.</p>

<p>Thanks again guys! I just got a reply from my CCC counselor (the intelligent one) saying the exact same thing. Once again, all my pre-reqs are taken for letter grades and so are ALL of the other areas for IGETC. As of the Art category, I have tried Music and Art and they both bore the crap outa me… so I am on a border line of getting a B… But ya! Thanks alot for you guys’ input.</p>