Illiterate native speaker! (long story) and subject testing

<p>I'm not illiterate in English, as the post title may have led you to believe, but (technically) in Spanish. Yes, I can read Spanish if I make an effort, but the Spanish SAT subject test that I took this morning was among the first times I have ever read Spanish. Although you're probably assuming I filled in C for every question, Spanish was my first language, so I have an edge. I only know English better because I was surrounded by it once I started school. I was never taught to read, write, or speak beyond a five year old's capacity in Spanish and I essentially stopped speaking Spanish once I started first grade. I still have flawless listening comprehension in Spanish, and my Argentine parents and family speak to me in Spanish.
My question is: what should I consider to be a good score on this morning's Spanish SAT2? I won't match up with AP Spanish students given my informal education, but I took this test to show my competence, even if its not what most people would consider competent (I could still show up any AP Spanish student in a conversation). I have never taken a Spanish class, but I'm the strongest speaker in my French 4 Honors class. I went into the test with some comfort due to my natural strength in language comprehension, reading, and writing (probably because of my multilingual base). I guessed on a number of questions and generally went with what my gut told me. I also omitted two or three questions. I have no idea where I'll land so I cant give you a range, but I'm not expecting a 700. What scores will schools be impressed by, given my background?
I already know someone is going to recommend me to the listening test. Unfortunately, it's not available until early next year, but I will certainly take it if I get the chance.
As always, thanks in advance for reading and responding. </p>

<p>Your situation is not terribly unique, many people who speak their native language fluently but for some reason never took grammar & writing courses are in a similar situation. I guess I’m not sure why you took the Spanish Subject test to show your competence as colleges aren’t looking for academic achievement in your native language. It would be more usual to take the Subject test in the FL taken in HS, in your case French.</p>

<p>I scored a 610. Would that be worth sending to schools? Because more selective schools have higher standards, would there be a difference in sending this to Richmond and Mary Washington?</p>