ILR--Scheduling Classes

<p>I noticed that certain required classes for the fall semester of my freshman year were added to my schedule without any work on my part. However, Introduction to Organizational Behavior was not added to my schedule. Do I have to add that myself?</p>

<p>If you were put into Intro to Labor History, that’s the alternative. You take one first semester and one second.</p>

<p>Alright, I had looked on ILR’s website and they have both courses under fall semester requirements. Thanks for the help. Now all that I have to do is sign up for a FWS, an elective and a PE class?</p>

<p>Also, why are some FWSs three days a week, others two and yet others one (assuming that TR stands for thursday?)?</p>

<p>TR is Tuesday and Thursday I think…no idea why they’re listed like that.</p>

<p>Because although they are all 3 credits the class time is distributed differently. FWS’s that are twice a week are 75 min each, and those that meet thrice are 50 min each. Yes, the days are listed by shorthand, MTWRF is Monday through Friday.</p>