I'm a disappointment to my parents.

<p>^^ And even more concerning is the fact that the licensing exams allow no testing accomodations of any kind.</p>

<p>OP, I am sorry that your parents are not able to approve of you as you are. There are many possible reasons for this, but none of them have anything to do with you. You are your own individual, not here to only fulfill their dreams at the expense of yours.</p>

<p>All parents want their kids to do well, but kids are not an extension of us. </p>

<p>I agree with the suggestion for counseling- because the constant criticism and discontent of your parents, despite your best effort, has to be hurtful to you. Perhaps a counselor can help you discover what it is you want to do- whether you want to go to med school for you, or because they want you to.</p>

<p>Every kid wants to know their parents love and approve of them, but this is their inability, not yours. You are not a failure. Somehow- maybe through their parents- your parents can’t give you the approval you need.</p>

<p>I will not be critical of them as perhaps this is how THEIR parents treated them and they know no other way… But you can accept yourself and hopefully make peace with them as well.</p>

<p>The real question here is, or should be, what do you want to do with your life? If medical school is your dream, not your parents’, then you shouldn’t give up without another try at the MCAT (take the Kaplan course or something similar: it will help). You will also need to boost your self-esteem: your accomplishments are real, and you have a lot to offer in any field of work you choose to pursue. Just make sure that the career you choose is your choice. For example, if your interest in clinical medicine is real but you can’t get into medical school, you can have a very satisfying career as a PA or nurse. But if medicine was never really your choice and you were only pursuing it to please your parents, you will be very unhappy and resentful. Also, there is nothing wrong with taking a year or two off to discover what you really want to do. Just don’t move back in with your parents. You owe them love and gratitude for their support, and you should try to understand their point of view, but you do not have to sacrifice your happiness on the altar of their ambitions.</p>