<p>I'm a rising senior. And here's my story.
I get straight A's. Well, I mean there's an A- here and there. but you know what I mean.
I got a 2220 on my SAT and a national merit thing.
So I'm good right? Wrong. </p>
<p>My parents call me a disappointment for 3 reasons.
(a) I will not become a doctor or engineer. I don't want to be. I dislike biology and I don't care for engineering. I want to be a lawyer or a economist. </p>
<p>(b) I don't want to go to college where my parents want me to go to. My parents think that the only reason I should leave potentially going to ASU is if I go to yale.
But I don't want to go to yale. I want to go to cornell. Which is a big problem. I want to go to chicago too but my parents said they have medical licenses in chicago (so they can be practicing doctors in illinois) and would come with me there. </p>
<p>(c) My parents hate my extracurrics. I like speech and debate, mock trial, enviro club, and working with charities). They would rather me enter in bio club, research team, science bowl, etc.
I don't like those sciencey things. Fine, I get A's in them, but I don't give a care. whatsoever. Consequently, they don't let me go to speech and debate/mock trial until I lie and tell them I'm going to the library instead. </p>
<p>So what do I do? Not care that they are disappointed in me? Or do I try to change myself? I think my morals are getting in the way of my life plans.</p>