<p>If I get all A's throughout the rest of high school, for example im taking 2 AP's as Sophomore, 5-6 APS as Junior, and same as Senior, I do track, tennis, and a ton of community service, and if I do well on my SAT can I still get into an Ivy League School or Stanford</p>
<p>That’s not how it works. Don’t stockpile AP’s. Try to figure out what you like and build a coherent schedule. If you can take community college classes, do so - especially if they’re offered at a post-AP level (ie., take Calc AB, then college calc 2 and 3; take AP history, then 2nd and 3rd semester history classes…) As for EC’s, it’s not quantity but quality that matters - you’d need to have a national prize in something (or at the very least some regional awards). Finally, don’t focus on schools where your odds are 1:20 or so. Place them in the “crapshoot” possibilities for college, look at all Top 20 universities and LACs and get informed about their differences (applying to schools based on prestige leads to disaster), and seek 2 safeties to build your college list from.</p>
<p>Can you? Perhaps. Will you? Impossible to predict and not likely, given that most applicants to those schools are equally qualified. That always puts the odds against any one person being admitted. Be sure to find schools that you may think are “below you” but that you would be willing to attend. Many people live highly successful and happy lives without having attended an Ivy League School or Stanford.</p>