Im a mediocre student at one of the best public schools in the nation...

<p>Here are the colleges I want to apply to</p>

<p>NYU, College of Arts and Sciences (ED)
Cornell University, Agriculture School
SUNY Binghamton, Harpor school (EA)
SUNY Stony Brook (EA)
SUNY Albany (EA)
SUNY Geneseo
Boston University
George Washington University (possibly ED 2)

<p>-I have about an 87.5 gpa
-My High School does not rank our students
-a 28 ACT score (which is in the 92-93rd percentile)
-total of 3 APs in high school - Calculus, Environmental, Economics (4 AP tests)
-I'm in several volunteer programs and extracurriculars, including a Club that I founded and am President of (SAT/ACT club)
-my resume is about a page long at most though
-I have a very original essay, it's about life's trivial moments and how the incidents we take for granted are the ones that shape us. I give some examples of my life was changed by unsuspecting, ordinary instants. How one small thing can have substantial effects on the lives of others. Therefore, if i perform one kind deed it can only be abundantly beneficial...yadda yadda. (It's about a page and a half long, single-spaced. I called a counselor and they said that's fine)
-I wouldn't mind being placed in the general studies program
-I'm on mailing list for all of the above colleges except hofstra and syracuse...I receive mail from the SUNYs but not individually (I don't know if being on their mailing lists would increase my chances)</p>

<p>reject at cornell,
NYU big reach</p>

<p>everything about you (your stats, clubs) are mediocre at best. maybe not even</p>

<p>SAT/ACT club really isnt a good club at all (in their eyes)
mailing list does not help
essay, even though u may have thought of it independently, has been used many many times so unless its amazing, its going to seem cliche</p>

<p>What IS an SAT club?</p>

<p>club where you all complain about the SATS</p>


<p>or perhaps, argue about which one is better</p>

<p>ACT or SAT</p>

<p>i stated at the very beginning that i am mediocre, so i guess that doesn't say much about your reading skills...</p>

<p>Anyway, which of these schools do you think will accept/reject me with my stats?</p>

<p>I think you are better than mediocre ( at least by non-CC stabdards), and I don't think you should trust "us" with your chances.</p>

One entry found for mediocre.</p>

<p>Main Entry: me·di·o·cre
Pronunciation: "mE-dE-'O-k&r
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin mediocris, from medius middle + Old Latin ocris stony mountain; akin to Latin acer sharp -- more at EDGE
: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ORDINARY, SO-SO</p>

<p>NYU, College of Arts and Sciences (ED)...deny
Cornell University, Agriculture School...deny
SUNY Binghamton, Harpor school (EA)...spring admit or waitlist or deny
SUNY Stony Brook (EA)....admit
SUNY Albany (EA)....admit
SUNY Geneseo...deny
Boston University....may admit
George Washington University (possibly ED 2)...may admit
Syracuse...admit (as long as you're not looking to get into Newhouse)

<p>are you saying i got a better chance getting into GWU and BU than Binghamton?
I seriously doubt that</p>

<p>28 SAT is NOT mediocre. Don't listen to these idiots.</p>

<p>Last time I checked, mediocre meant averaged. Scoring in the 90th+ percentile on the ACT is beyond averaged. Some CC members are just so rude and repulsive. They have their heads too far up their own asses. mayiplzgovertigo ACT score probably isn't even that high. :o</p>

<p>Bing is pretty hard to get into these days, from what I've seen. I was amazed by the kids in my daughter's year who either didn't get in or were waitlisted. What does a 28 ACT translate into, as compared to the SATs?</p>

<p>I've seen many different rankings from several different colleges and websites. Because of this, I compare the ACT to the SAT based on percentiles. Since my ACT is in the 92-93rd percentile, I'd compare it to the SAT score in the same percentile, which is about a 1970-2000.</p>

<p>He is accepted everywhere with SUNY-Bing being a bit of a reach, but 80 percent chance he is in there. If your lucky, the other SUNY's will give you many dollars to attend there institution. Have fun at the college of your choice. SUNY.</p>

<p>what is non-CC ? non community college?
and don't forget to take into consideration that i'm applying ED to NYU and EA to all the SUNYs except Geneseo.
I read somewhere that ED is an equivalent to a 100 point increase on the SAT and EA is like a 50 point increase in the SAT.</p>

<p>non-CC meant not College Confidential standards.</p>

<p>thanks mah dude
I didn't think CC members are that reliable either, except you of course.</p>

<p>Smile. I don't DO chances, I just read them for entertainment.</p>

<p>it would still help to know what you guys think my chances are.
I like reading people listing which of the colleges i listed are reaches/admits, etc because it gives me an extra boost of confidence</p>

<p>What school do you go to, out of curiosity?</p>

<p>i'd rather not say, but it is one of the top in the nation, and state</p>