<p>I'm not exactly sure where this discussion should fall under but I would like some help determining what I should do.
First, let me explain my situation. In a nutshell, by taking extra courses on FLVS (I am a Florida resident so FLVS is free and I don't like to be bored) starting the summer before eighth grade and by being in the most difficult math track I could very easily graduate a year early. So let me inform you as much as I can:</p>
<p>Classes I have taken :
Grades are not listed because I have never received a "B" in my life.
Algebra I Honors (4.5)
Chinese I (FLVS, I thought it would be a fun course to take) (4.0)</p>
Algebra II Honors (4.5)
Spanish I (I realized that it would be difficult to learn Chinese due to the fact that I didn't know anyone who spoke Chinese) (4.0)</p>
<p>9th: (I entered into the Pre-IB program)
Pre-IB English I (4.5)
Pre-IB German I (4.5) (I though German would be cool, and I didn't want to be bored retaking Spanish 1 for IB)
Pre-IB Biology I (4.5)
Band (4.0)
Piano (4.0)
Pre-IB Geometry(4.5)
Pre-IB American Gov't (a half semester class) (4.5)
Pre-IB Economics (half semester class) (4.5)
Driver's Ed (I took it on FLVS to keep insurance costs down for my permit) (4.0)</p>
Pre-IB English II (4.5)
Pre-IB German II (4.5)
Pre-IB Chemistry I (4.5)
Band (4.0)
AP Music Theory (5.0, AP scores will be listed later)
Analytic Geometry (5.0, half semester class)
Pre-Calculus (5.0, half semester class)
AP World History(5.0)
AP Computer Science (4.0 I got A's both semesters but apparently my school wouldn't give me the AP weight ??) (This was taken on FLVS because I'm good with languages and my dad writes code so I thought it would be fun. Due to taking this class I am seriously contemplating majoring in Computer Science and minoring in a language)</p>
<p>AP Scores:
World History 4
Music Theory 5 (4 aural, 5 non-aural)
Computer Science 5</p>
<p>Class rank: Top ten out of a 500ish class. Ironically taking all of these classes has brought my GPA down because they are all unweighted. My school goes off of semester grades too, so even though I only get all "A"'s every quarter, people ahead of me can get an A and a B one semester and have it average to an A. Unfortunately, literally everyone ahead of me has gotten at least one quarter grade "B" and I am still behind them because of the whole round an A and a B to an A thing.</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted 4.46 weighted</p>
<p>Other things to consider (extra-curriculars):
- I am very active in my youth group and we often do service projects
- Seminary (2 years completed thus far). Seminary is a before school bible study program for high school students at my church. In order to attend every morning before school I have to wake up at 5 am so I can be there by 6 (it goes from 6-6:45), and I usually arrive at school by 7-ish.
- Marching Band (I play the trumpet)
- I help elementary students learn how to play the trumpet in the summer
- I am a two time State placer for Women's Wrestling for the State of Florida. 9th grade year I placed 3rd, and 10th grade I placed 1st for the 97 lb weight class. I started wrestling for fun in middle school and I decided to stick with it. I am currently the only girl on the team, and I wrestle against guys (9th grade I had a positive JV season against boys, and 10th grade I had a positive Varsity season against guys at the 106 weight class).</p>
<p>This leaves me with a total of 19.5 credits so far. Currently I am taking AP Statistics on FLVS for fun. In order to graduate I need 2 English credits, American History, and 1 P.E. credit.</p>
<p>These are my three options as I see them: Please respond with which option would be the best in terms of college admission, and what your personal opinion is.</p>
<p>1) Graduate class of 2014 ( a year early). Drop out of IB program and take all the classes I need at the high school. This would definitely be the easiest course load but I'm not sure if I would be able to dramatically change my schedule like this. </p>
<p>2) Graduate class of 2014. Stay in the I.B. program and since I am already scheduled to take IB/AP American History I would just pick up a P.E. class and an English class on FLVS. Definitely an extremely difficult course load that would stretch me very thin, with the advantage of keeping my friends and teachers, plus it looks awesome on a college application.</p>
<p>3) Graduate normally, class of 2015. If I take a FLVS class next summer (I've had my eye on AP Psychology) I would graduate with 35.5 credits. 35.5 credits is like 5 years of highschool!!! I don't know if my school would even let me do this, and I don't know what colleges would think.</p>
<p>My personal 2-bits:
To graduate class of 2014 I would have to decide immediately and seriously prepare for the SAT/ACT. I want to apply to several school, but my top three are UF, BYU, and then my dream school MIT. In order to apply to MIT I would need to study for two additional AP subject tests (1 math and 1 science). I am LDS, so BYU would be an awesome church school filled with like minded people and the tuition would be very low. For UF, my grandfather lives there and used to teach there (he was a professor for 40+ years) and I would love to be by him. Plus instate would be cheap, and if I got bright futures college would be basically free, but I heard they were making cuts to their computer science program (?). MIT is my dream school, and even though it is expensive I would love to go, but I want to continue to do the best thing for my admission chances there.
Other factors:
- Graduating early means I'm 1 year ahead of everything
- I am not really sentimental for the "high school experience"
- I am a pretty responsible person, so I think I would be able to handle living alone
- I am pretty bored in high school. I mean there is a lot of home work and I am really busy with extra curriculars but content wise I get stuff pretty easy and I don't really need to try to "get it" I guess (one of the reasons I would love to go to MIT is because I want to be challenged and learn to work with people like me)
- What about my friends? I only have a few really close friends, but they mean a lot to me. Of course we could always talk long distance and keep in touch but I know its not the same.
- If I graduate early I have to rush to take my SAT's and start applying to colleges.</p>
<p>Sorry for the super long read, but any input would be nice to know since I have to decide really really soon!!!! I never imagined in middle school that I would have to make this choice. Honestly the thought of skipping a grade or graduating early never occurred to me until TODAY, when I picked up my report card and I was like CRAP! 19.5 credits! I could be considered a senior!</p>