I'm an international student on F1 visa

I desperately looking for any type of scholarship, financial aid and/or other types of assistantship to cover my tuition. My family income is very low and I cannot pay the out of state tuition. I pursue study in computer science @ UMD.I would appreciate any comments, thoughts, and suggestions.

Thank you for your time and help!

Have you already completed some time at UMD, or will you be starting this fall?

The UMD website is pretty clear:

As a publicly funded institution, UMD is unable to provide financial assistance to international students. You can find other options for financing your education on the Office of Student Financial Aid website.

I’m not sure this college is affordable for you.


How have you been paying your current tuition?

Receiving financial aid as a nonresident student is difficult.

How did you receive a visa for this school without funding?

If you can’t afford your tuition, I don’t think you can study at this university. The best funding comes from the university. Since UMD is a public school, they probably can’t afford to provide you with tuition and fee support.

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Are you a Maryland resident?

@happymomof1 can international student residents of Maryland attend community colleges at the instate rate?

Student needs to pay for housing, transportation, daily living costs and medical insurance; it doesn’t sound like that is an option.

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Have you started at UMD yet, or have you been accepted to start this coming September?

Do you already have a student visa to study in the US? Normally you need to give evidence that you can afford to study here before they will give you a visa.

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@Yasminet usually international students are required to complete a certificate of finances that details that money is at the ready to fund college here. This is done to get your student visa.

How did you get a student visa if you were unable to demonstrate that you had the funds to support your studies here?

Are you currently living in this country? Or not? And if so…what state?


You usually figure out the money issue first. Is there a reason why you are now in desperate search of financial help?

The best scholarships come from the universities themselves.
They select according to merit (grades) and/or financial need.

Public universities, like UMD, have to rely on public tax dollars to operate the schools, so they don’t have extra monies lying around. That school has indicated that they can’t fund international students.

Regarding your original inquiry: Financial aid comes in many forms and typically is in the form of grants and federal loans and can come from the local, state and federal governments.
As a non-resident, you are limited to funding that does not come from those sources. You don’t qualify for US loans.

If you are low-income, some schools will fund you but you can’t guess which schools do that. You have to research the websites.
The universities that have international financial aid are extremely competitive for funding. You typically get your funding confirmed before you apply for a US Visa.

I’m not sure what you are referring to when you say “assistantships”.

The colleges start soon.
If you can’t pay your bill, you can’t attend that college.

You could try a Community college, which is less expensive, but they typically don’t have on site housing. You still have to find a place to live, and pay a housing deposit, have a good history of credit to pay the rent, utilities, furniture, food, transportation, health insurance and daily living expenses.

I’m sorry but it’s kind of late in the game. Can you dig into the money that you listed on your certificate of finances for the visa?

I think you’ve received correct advice above. Perhaps if you provide additional details someone might have suggestions but in general, if you cannot pay your tuition, living expenses you simply won’t start at the university. If you have some money, but not enough to pay for your school, you might switch schools and go to a community college which is very inexpensive There are very few funds available from private schools and almost from public schools for international students, particularly in undergraduate programs.

Thank you ALL for your reply. I am aware that the school does not provide financial aids to international students but I thought someone may know of external scholarship or financial resources. On your question on the financial statement, I should say that i had provided that document and therefore received visa but unfortunately something happened to my family financial situation who cannot support me anymore. I appreciate your time for responding my question. Then, I change my plan and pursue my education in Europe or somewhere that the schools tuition are affordable for me or they provide free education. Best,


Good luck, sorry for your family’s change in plans.

Did you see

“ * Visit EducationUSA : EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network with advising centers in more than 170 countries, and represents the largest group of advisers committed to promoting accredited U.S. higher education institutions. You can visit an advising center near you or visit the EducationUSA website. The website offers a variety of information about the international student process in the United States, including how to finance your studies.

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Yes, this sounds like what needs to happen. At this very late date, it is very unlikely that you can find funding to attend UMD now.

Do you have an affordable option in your home country?

Will you be taking a gap year and applying for admission next year?

If you plan a gap year, perhaps you can provide your stats (GPA, SAT or ACT score, ECs, country where you reside, etc) because there are many folks here who might be able to provide you with some college suggestions that could meet your financial needs. We would also need to know how much your family can contribute.

I would suggest you start another thread to ask this, if you want to.

EducationUSA is an excellent resource.