I'm brand new, so be nice please!

<p>I am a high school junior in Sacramento. I have great ECs and have played at the varsity level in two sports (golf and swimming) since I was a freshman. I am good (all conference) and could play for the schools I would like to attend, but I am probably not good enough to be recruited by these schools. I scored a 2280 on my SAT I (790 math, 760 CR, and 730 writing). My dad is from Thailand and my mom is Caucasian. I two 5's on AP tests, one 3, and will take more this summer. I have a 750 on one SAT II. I have a 4.6 uw GPA and am ranked 3rd in a class of just under 1,000. I am pretty sure I have taken the most challenging course load possible. </p>

<p>I think I can do better on the CR and writing section of the SAT and perhaps get a super score above 2300, but that's not a certainty. </p>

<p>My reach schools are Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. My second category is Penn, Columbia, Brown, and Dartmouth. My third category is Berkeley, UCLA, and USC. My safety is Arizona (mom's alma mater). </p>

<p>What do you think my chances are? I will continue to play tennis and golf through my senior year. I will be an officer in clubs and the captain of the tennis team, with loads of volunteer hours. Is there anything else I can do? </p>

<p>To this year's senior class, I wish everyone success with their applications!!!</p>

<p>I don’t have enough info to respond properly, but you’ll have a much better chance of getting responses if you visit and post on the ‘What Are My Chances’ forum. (Oh yeah, and when you go there be sure to start your own thread and not post on anyone else’s). While there, you’ll also get a better idea of how to format your post so that you can get the best responses. Good luck!</p>

<p>Hello and welcome to CC!</p>

<p>You don’t need to waste the money retaking your SAT. They are high enough to not matter.</p>

<p>Second, have you thought about applying to other top private schools like Duke and Chicago with admit rates in the 25-35% range? Penn, Columbia, Brown, and Dartmouth are still nearly as unpredictable as HYPS.</p>

<p>Finally, is there a reason you’re applying to the Entire Ivy League Except Cornell? Cornell’s a nice school! :p</p>