I'm feeling stress after just 2 days of school...

<p>Haha, I have a friend who hasn’t done a third of the summer reading… has about a book and a half to finish and 12 reading logs. It’s due in…oh, about 3 days</p>


Should have been two and a half, but I messed with the system. While the school will pay for Dual Enrollment courses, few students take full loads of that and no high school classes. I did that semester, and had less than 1/3 the hours of class time as people in the high school, had Friday off, and got 15 college credits and 3.5 high school credits (I already have enough high school credits/requirements to graduate anyway). The college classes get out more than a month before the high school classes (May 4th vs. June 10th).</p>

<p>Unfortunately, this coming semester, I have to handle a full Dual Enrollment load (16 credits), plus 2 classes at the high school (no more Fridays off), so I suppose it kind of balances out.</p>


Ah, I always waited for the last day of summer to read books and do assignments.</p>



<p>Yes!!! Someone got it. My sister went to BU, so it’s both “sucks to be you” and a play on the name BU (the insult was stuck in my head) “Sucks to BU”.</p>

<p>^ Lol, yup. I have a bunch of friends and former classmates who go to BC, BU, and Northeastern. The BC and Northeastern kids love to say “Sucks to BU,” while the BU kids are just forced to laugh it off. I like the joke anyway.</p>

<p>Northeastern sucks about as much as BU hahah</p>

<p>I bet the MIT, Harvard, Tufts, and BC kids are the ones to use that phrase</p>

<p>^ Nah, I think the BC/Northeastern “Sucks to BU” thing originated from hockey, which MIT and Tufts suck at. I think Harvard mostly stays out of the mini BC/BU/NU rivalry anyway.</p>

<p>I don’t think BC is that much better than Northeastern regardless.
[College</a> Search - Boston College - BC - SAT®, AP®, CLEP®](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)
[College</a> Search - Northeastern University - NU - SAT®, AP®, CLEP®](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)
[College</a> Search - Boston University - BU - SAT®, AP®, CLEP®](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)
This past year, BC admitted 31%, NU admitted 38%, and BU admitted 58%. Northeastern should pass BU within the next few years in the rankings, and I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Northeastern will move up the most in the nation in the USNews rankings that come out 8/17.</p>

<p>You guys start early. I don’t start to Sept. 10th :slight_smile: And I’ll love every minute.</p>

<p>Why is your school starting on a friday lol? I start september 7th.</p>

<p>^ Lucky. When do ya’ll get out?</p>

<p>June 17th.</p>

<p>I don’t start till Sept 7th either. I’m just kind of bored though. My summer classes ended two weeks ago, and I haven’t done anything since. I just want school to start up again to give me an excuse to get off of CC.</p>

<p>September 13!</p>

<p>Wow, Im a freshmen so I had to go to orientation…and it was pointless.</p>

<p>Those “Honor” classes have way too many kids. It makes me seem like I’m in a regular class. Hmmph. Might aswell test for Accelerated English I. Anybody know why there’s so many students?</p>

<p>Hmm, I don’t know, how about those rare (I’m serious) schools that actually want kids to be pushed so that they learn more? Too many schools have teensy honors classes, or even the classes are large, it’s because they only hired one honor’s teacher because they want all the kids to be in a regular level so that…I don’t know, so that they can be all Mao Ze Dong style communist about it.</p>

<p>My school has about 3 Honors teachers. They also teach regular too. Bah, I’m testing for Accelerated, I like classes with only a total of 8 students in there.</p>

<p>^ Me too. My Gifted World History class had 12 students total, and my Medical Terminology had 11 total.</p>



<p>I agree, my reason it that it’s quiet and you don’t have people bothering you as much as in Honors. How do you get in though? I guess I’ll talk to my counselor about it.</p>

<p>I’ve been in Gifted since 5th grade, and it just rolls over each year.</p>

<p>^ I got in gifted in 2nd grade :)</p>

<p>Lucky you. I took the test in 3rd grade, and I either failed it or my dad got them to cancel my scores.</p>