<p>Okay, I took a practice test for English Language and Composition and got a 3.
THIS IS NOT GOOD. I know I'm going to get like a 4 or more likely a 5 on the US history and Computer Science AB course.</p>
<p>How can I help my English score? I really need at least a 4 on it! :(
(It's the multiple choice that's killing me. 27/55!)</p>
<p>Also, how much do colleges really care about the AP scores? (I'm taking about 5 more AP classes next year and I know they'll be fours and fives since I know the majority of the background already.)</p>
<p>Also, how good is a SAT score of around 2000? (I'm going to take about a month after AP exams to study for it and hopefully get a 2200 or higher and take the SAT subject tests on Algebra I and US History)</p>
<p>Thanks. :)</p>
<p>i’m taking english lang as well, and the MCs are what i’m good at - took an MC-only mock exam and got 46/50 right. so i’ll try to help
well, the main thing to remember with the MCs is that everything asked in the question can be found directly in the passage. I almost NEVER put an answer down until i can go back to the passage and point to something that indisputably proves my answer choice right. this is the key i think - i’ve done many MCs in class, and the ones i get wrong are usually ones where i either haven’t done this or simply misunderstood the question. the only other thing is to practice your essays. good luck )</p>
<p>Yea, you’re right. Usually I get most of the questions right when I’m not timing. I think it’s just the constant pressure of finishing up on time that makes me screw up.
So, I’ll just keep doing more practice tests.</p>
<p>Also, if it were possible, could you link me to some sample tests? (Other than the one provided on the Collegeboard website. :p)</p>