<p>It’s highly unlikely to get a D in PE without a very good reason. I’d find out, if you really don’t know (hard to believe) why, and work it out with the teacher.</p>
<p>WOW 0-0
Chill, I dont think NW will care about it. Just make sure your other grades are allright. But i would still inquire the teacher as to why you have that D. You must be a smart student if you got into NW;so failing tests shouldn’t be the reason </p>
<p>I just hope you haven’t been skipping class. :-)</p>
<p>I would ask the PE teacher why you’re getting such a low grade. Who knows, maybe there’s still a way to bring it up.</p>
<p>If I were part of admissions I would give a lot less weight to a D in PE than a D in something like English or math. Not that I’m in admissions or know how they think.</p>
<p>There’s people who never dress and never do anything, but they’re still getting a higher grade than me. I just don’t understand!! And all my other classes are AP classes and I’m getting As in nearly all of them. I’ve never received a C in my life, much less a D. I seriously have no idea why I’m getting a D! I mean, a B, okay fine, whatever. BUT A D???</p>
<p>NU kicks people out for Cs!!! I’m going to get kicked out of NU because of PE??? ■■■. Not to mention. Good bye top ten. You know, people cheat their way out of not taking PE, but I decided to be a good moral citizen and take the darn class. I seriously can’t believe any of this.</p>
<p>[//end of freak out]</p>
<p>I’ll update everybody after Monday. Thanks for the input though <3</p>
<p>Grading in PE is usually on how much effort you put into the class. It’s hard not to know why you are getting the grade you are in a PE class…
But I don’t think a college will rescind an application for poor grades in PE…</p>
<p>Frankly, to say I don’t put enough effort into PE is insulting. I understand all your skepticism, but trust me. I put effort into everything, including PE. If I knew, I wouldn’t be so frustrated. D:</p>
<p>I’m sorry if you felt insulted. I know that, at least in my case (although probably in the case of others as well), I was more shocked that your school would give a D in PE, not that you would receive one.</p>
<p>“You know, people cheat their way out of not taking PE, but I decided to be a good moral citizen and take the darn class. I seriously can’t believe any of this.”</p>
<p>I think that’s a little bit more insulting than anything that has been or will be posted on this thread. You never know anyone elses circumstances, you are in no position to judge people.</p>
<p>Joshua: Actually, the person that did that is my best friend. We got into a big argument when he did that…long story. But he was in no better position than me to get out of the class. I know that for a fact. I really don’t feel like explaining myself. I apologize for my comment if it offended anybody else.</p>
<p>thinker: My school has always been a bit scattered when it comes to Physical Education. They recently attempted to force a friend of mine to drop AP European History so that she would take PE which didn’t make much sense since she’s the fittest person I know. -.-</p>
<p>Thanks for all the advice though guys (and gals). <3</p>
<p>._. Okay, so a friend just told me it might have been the mile run. We were supposed to run it in less than 7 minutes for an A…I think it took me 10. I really hope she’s wrong cuz there’s no way I’m running that thing in less than 7.</p>
<p>painholic (your username disturbs me somewhat O.o): I’m so jealous of you right now. This whole thing is stressing me out beyond belief. Argh.</p>
<p>Well, I have a great solution. ACTUALLY PUT EFFORT INTO A FLIPPING PE CLASS. Wow, how hard is that. Its PE. Assuming you have to dress out and atleast appear to participate, I dont see how you could ever, ever get a b or lower. I mean, ITS PE.</p>
<p>About the mile, that may very well be true because at my school they used to have to run the mile in 7 minutes for an A as well (but only for the final exam). My brother actually trained himself down to about 6 minutes (he wasn’t very active before, so it took maybe a month?) and then continued exercising… well, until now (3+ years later) so maybe this is a good thing?
But I don’t think they would revoke your acceptance if there truly isn’t a valid reason for the D (which would come when you get the explanation from your teacher).</p>
<p>Wow, at my school they never did the “run a 7 minute mile for an A” thing. I think that’s pretty ridiculous. PE is one of the few classes where I support the “get an A if you make an effort” grading system. In history class or English class you’re gaining knowledge you can internalize and use later. You can use what you learn in English 101 (basic grammar and such) your whole life. In PE you won’t retain anything useful (ie muscles, stamina, flexibility) unless you KEEP exercising once you’re out of the class . . . So it doesn’t make much sense to grade how much exercise someone can do. If Overweight McGee goes from being able to do 0 push ups to being able to do 10, does that make him a worse student than the football kid who could do 50 push ups when get got to class and 50 push ups when he got out?</p>
<p>Just some musings. I would still ask the teacher because even if you have to run a 7 minute mile to get an A, I have a hard time believing that doing it in 10 minutes would drop you down to a D.</p>