I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask you to chance me for HYPSW please...

<p>Hi guys! I hope you liked my title haha I am trying to get people to chance me for some top schools (HYPS). Thanks guys</p>

SAT I: 2280 superscored
SAT II: 800 Math 2, 680 Spanish, 800 USH, 700 WH
Weighted GPA: ~4.79
Rank: ~24/800
AP: 555555
Courseload: most rigorous
Major Awards; NMSF</p>

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):</p>

<p>Business Professionals of America = President
French National Honor Society = President
Student Council = President of Senior class
yearbook = section editor

<p>Job/Work Experience:</p>

<p>summer intern for very unique nationwide service organization, will write essay about this

<p>Volunteer/Community service:
(Presidents volunteer service award gold)</p>

<p>Summer Activities: im always very busy in the summer - summer programs, jobs, essays, interning here and there.</p>

<p>Teacher Recommendation: one probably stellar, one goodish</p>

Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
Intended Major: international relations
State (if domestic applicant): CA
School Type: super competitive public
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: M
Income Bracket: middle
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none</p>

<p>I know this isn't very specific but would you say being president of three clubs (there are more smaller officer positions i havent mentioned on here but will on my application) will help me get into yale SCEA?</p>

<p>Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>Bump, thanks guys =]</p>

<p>Your SAT scores are a bit low and you will need more awards. While it is good that you are president of 3 clubs, it would be better if you played a sport too.</p>

<p>You’re SAT scores are within range (unless its 800 CR, 800 W, 680 M or something like that), and your weighted GPA looks strong. The glaring problem would appear to be your rank. I know nothing of your school and it’s competitiveness, but unless students with a similar rank as yours typically get accepted to HYPS, you may have some problems. Another setback might be your ECs. Did you win any BPA awards or anything? Also, is that every EC you have? (The “etc” would seem to indicate there is more). I would put it as follows:
SAT: :slight_smile: (I disagree with the above poster’s opinion on your scores, especially for SAT I)
GPA: :slight_smile:
Rank: :frowning:
ECs: :frowning:
Just my two cents.</p>

<p>Are these president within your school or in the national organizations?</p>

<p>just within my school</p>

<p>national organization i am an intern</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>@Superfanmike. What’s wrong with his rank? 24/800 is like top 3% lol.</p>

<p>His rank is outstanding. He has a reasonable shot, but do realize that these are reach schools for anybody, particulary unhooked applicants such as this.</p>

<p>Your EC’s are looking weak… there’s no way for an admission officer to tell what your passion is. Sorry but your chances are low.</p>

<p>Try to focus on something so admissions officers know your passion. Everything else looks good though but these are stretch schools for everybody.</p>

<p>Chance me. <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/980384-chances-princeton.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/980384-chances-princeton.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>is the W in HYPSW for Wharton?</p>

<p>The “SW” stands for “Swarthmore and Williams”, no?</p>



<p>There’s no such thing as “within range,” at least not in the sense that one’s chances stop increasing after a certain threshold. </p>



<p>Weighted GPA’s vary widely from school to school, and as such, aren’t a valuable metric. Rank is infinitely more important, and for schools where up to 60% of the incoming class consists of vals/sals, 24 is hardly impressive.</p>



<p>More likely Stanford and Wharton.</p>



<p>How do you figure?</p>



<p>No, hooks and extremely well-developed talents combined with top scores will. As a URM, I might consider raising your SATs before applying to Yale.</p>