I'm not going to tell my friends where I get into...

<p>This thread here is for me to declare that whatever school I get into (whether they be safeties or reaches), i'm not going to tell anyone except my parents no matter what. So far this year I've seen people get into some great schools (ED and EA) and they love to go out and celebrate with their friends, but I've also seen the bad side of it as well. Other people will say things like "oh god, how did he get into X university" and such and such, and I realized that it also makes others who didn't get accepted by that university feel worse about their own rejection. That's why I vow to simply not tell my friends where I get into until the end of the year, i don't think it will really impact them too much for them to know a few months earlier, and I really don't want to put people in a position they don't feel comfortable being in, say if I get into a school that someone else doesn't. </p>

<p>Sign your name below if you feel like doing the same thing.</p>

<p>If not, post why.</p>

<p>I’m not going to do that because I really don’t care what immature people think/say about my college apps</p>

<p>I think I’m only going to tell people about my rejections, so they can feel better about themselves.</p>

<p>^ haha thats not a bad idea, i just hope I don’t get rejected from too many places…</p>

<p>do you really think that your bonds of friendship are so weak that where you get into college would make a difference to your friends?</p>

<p>actually at my school, two best friends fought with each other cuz one got into UCSB while the other didnt. story is, the one who got rejected had a better GPA then her and small, but better SAT score than the other person. the other one was leader of two clubs and captain of a varsity sport. they didnt talk to each other till the end of their senior year, thats when things got better. main point, some people could get ticked off if they didnt get in while their friends did.</p>

<p>i’m obviously not afraid of losing some friends, i just don’t want to put people in position whether I get accepted or not, and I think others should try and do the same, or at least not go about boasting about their acceptance.</p>

<p>I almost wish I would have done this, but I already got accepted to Haverford on a Questbridge scholarship. I have been in the newspaper three times, been all over the school announcements, school news program interview, etc. and recently two good female friends of mine told me that they felt bad about themselves because of me. They are only going to tier 3-4 state universities with no scholarship money. Consequently, I have just shut up about college stuff…</p>

<p>Some people are so stupid about this stuff.
I mean, you can do all you can to be accepted but at the end, it isn’t your decision, it is the college’s decision.
I got into places some of my friends didn’t get into and vice versa and there were no hard feelings.
Your friends should be happy for your successes! Even if they had not achieved those successes yourself and vice versa, then I wouldn’t call them very good friends.</p>

<p>Dude, people from my school as so eff-ing nosy. I told about 3 people I was deferred at “some school” and all of a sudden, i get a crowd surrounding me asking me where I had applied early to. Stupid, ignorant, people.</p>

<p>That means you don’t have real friends man</p>

<p>Eh I won’t need to worry about telling people where I got into for a while. I didn’t apply anywhere ED or EA.</p>

<p>LOL I don’t have friends? Um, ok.</p>

<p>No it’s not that. I’m just obnoxious and secretive. I just don’t want people to know.</p>

<p>I usually keep it to myself and people find out about it soon enough.</p>

<p>ay ay!
im not opening my mouth till june
for various reasons</p>

<p>i don’t really like telling people my business, because there’s too many nosy kids at my school who go around blabbing about other people. but i’m sure it will come out eventually, and if someone asks i’ll just tell them. </p>

<p>and of course, there will be the crowd that says “oh, he only got into ___ because of affirmative action” (i’m a URM)… despite the fact that i’m top 10% and i had the 2nd highest SAT in my class. i saw it happen to other minority students at my school last year, so i already know what to expect. </p>

<p>most of those idiots know nothing about college admissions, they think you have to have a 4.0/2400 to get into any Ivy League or top 10 school. probably never even heard of “extracurriculars”…</p>

<p>…i hate my school.</p>

<p>^^Aww i’m sorry.</p>

<p>I think a large part of CC has had that experience though. Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter what they think anyways.</p>

<p>i would’ve done this except SOMEONE had to spread it…ugh</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you won’t loose any friends by getting into a college while they didn’t. rather, you’d get a lot of admiration. but that’s just our school</p>

<p>btw, I’m going to be that guy who ends up saying: “damit I hate being an international asian without a greencard”</p>

<p>why cuz ur going 2 harvard? no id tell my friends about the acceptances…b proud of who u r and what you’ve accomplished…its the rejections u dont tell them about…especially if some 1 gets accepted into a skool ur rejected 2</p>