<p>ok i realize i might come off bragging, but am i wrong in thinking that UVM might be beneath me academically?
i was accepted to Honors College and Engineering.
i'm top 5% in my class, SAT 1420/2080.
a lot of other people at my school were accepted who i do not consider to be smart by any means. is UVM still seen as a "Public Ivy" or has it really degraded as much as i think it has?</p>
<p>I have never heard UVM called a Public Ivy</p>
<p>Stop being up your own ass about “prestige” and about whether “others of lesser academic ability” get in. Go to a school that has what academic programs and environments you want. My SAT score is 1540/2340 yet UVM is one of my top choices.</p>
<p>Hilarious. That was one of the best posts I’ve seen here, Arachnotron. Good advice.</p>
<p>Jackbauer24, I’m a senior in the Honors College at UVM and I must say, I felt the same way. I graduated 4th in my class out of 400 and had similar SAT scores. I was accepted to several more “prestigious” universities, including Colby and BU, but ultimately decided to go to UVM. Coming in, I felt like I was too smart for a school like UVM, but I have not found that to be the case. Being in the Honors College has been a very challenging experience for me. At every turn, the Hcol has pushed me to be a better student and to think more deeply about my academic career. Courses outside of the Honors College have also been challenging and stimulating. College is what you make it, and UVM is no different. Yeah, if you take the easiest classes offered in your major you’ll probably be bored and of course there will be students in your classes that seem less than committed, but that’s a life thing not a UVM thing. Being in the Hcol at UVM has helped me to hone my skills and has prepared me to be a competitive candidate for fellowships in various Master’s programs. Plus, I know someone from my Hcol class that was a horrible student that got into Brown because he had a Double Legacy there. So, things are not always about how smart you are. Arachnotron is right, go to a school with the programs that you want, but if you want some type of confirmation, rest assured that UVM is a great school.</p>
<p>Well UVM isn’t an Ivy League but…It does have a medical graduate school you can sneak into after your first four years. That is one of the big appeals of it.</p>
<p>thanks dani, it’s great to hear from a current student.
and thanks for everyone’s opinions too.
i visited recently and i’m pretty sure i won’t be attending UVM.</p>
<p>A crushing blow from which UVM may never recover.</p>
<li>UVM '76</li>