i'm probably in the same boat as most of you...

<p>These are my stats, I basically need help standing out...</p>

Basically, the most demanding coursework offered. 9th Grade took all Honors possible except for French (so I did Hons Physics, Lit, History, Hons Geometry, French 3). Moved to WV from TX after 9th grade, new school, also private, does not allow Honors/APs for sophomores. They allow 2 APs for juniors and 3 for seniors. In 10th I got into AP French Language, took Hons Precalc, and also Lit, Hist, Chem. In 11th I got into AP French Lit, AP English, AP Calc AB, AP Bio, and AP US History. I'm doing well so far on the demanding schedule. We'll see in May, I suppose!</p>

9th/10th: 4.0 Unweighted
11th: 4.0 So far, I doubt it will change. Please evaluate assuming I will continue with a 4.0.</p>

PSAT 10th: 215 (NMSC state cutoff was 216 last year.) This year I prepped, and on the practice I was honest and got a 228. Last year on the practice I got a 210. Waiting for scores!
French SAT II: 790 (just got score back)
AP French Language: 5 (took soph year)</p>

1. Tutoring I'm majorly into, since moving in 10th grade. I tutor needy kids at a local school 1hr/wk, ESL, and next year I'll be the leader since I'll be the only one doing it since 10th grade. I also do peer tutoring through Beta Club (middle schoolers) and French Honor Society (high school peers).
2. Debate is one thing I've done well in since 9th grade. Over 500 points if y, defending state JV champion speaker, lots of national awards, basically will look really good on the app :)
3. Dance: I do classical dance. Earlier this year I did a solo concert for 2 hrs for 200 people. A good accomplishment to put on the app. I still do take jazz/hip-hop lessons, so I'll have 4 years of high school participation to put on the app (not counting the 5 years before that).
4. Flute: I play the Chinese bamboo flute and also have taken up the regular one. I've been learning the latter for a year. I'm in orchestra too.
5. Quiz Bowl: leader. We're also district/county defending champs and 3rd in state, when we qualified for the televised state championships.
6. Other Clubs: Beta Club member since 10th, French Honor Society, Young Conservatives</p>

<p>I want to go to UPenn, Stanford, Harvard, Pton, Yale. Yeah, I know an SAT score would help you, but I don't got one yet!</p>

<p>BTW, school does not rank or calculate GPA; I'm Chinese; female; private prep school all my life.</p>

<p>And also, I lied about WV, just don't want to say the real state, although that's our cutoff. That's all, everything else is true, no reason to lie about those. Thank you.</p>

<p>Pretending you get the same SAT test score (2150) as your PSAT score, then you have as good a shot as anyone to the Ivy Leagues and Stanford. Your GPA is as good as it gets, all A's. If you keep up the same pattern with your SAT II's you've got a good chance</p>

<p>thx! eekz though!</p>

<p>wow jimbob you're a tool</p>

<p>~~there are no boats, and spare me that confucious talk</p>

<p>heh, well, just wanted to know my chances without being known. anyone else?</p>

<p>do you want positive reinforcement?</p>

<p>your grades and ecs are average at best. good luck.</p>