I'm slowly starting to lose hope.

I enjoy English it has always been my favorite subject in school, I am good at most subjects except for math, I am good at memorizing things.

VR: although it’s your favorite subject, you need to have a sober estimation of how you compare to others. A 440 and 460 put you at the 34th and 41st percentile of test takers – below average (500 and 490). What advice has your guidance counselors given you? It’s near the end of the school year and most seniors already have their Sept plans set up. You should try to make an appt w/your GC and seek honest advice – and take it. There’s no shame in starting at CC. If you have the finances, you’re have very viable choices.

If you maintain that it’s for losers, then you’ll have to look very long for a legitimate 4 year pgm that will take someone with your academic background to date.

If you insist on a 4-year college right now, you can look into Columbia College in Chicago. They have open enrollment, I think, and it is well-known in the area for creative writing. They house students in a high-rise in downtown Chicago with other students from Roosevelt University (another college to look into) and DePaul.

I think you should consider one of the two-year residential community colleges suggested by MYOS1634, though.

It will be cheaper and it will allow you to improve your grades and skills, then transfer to a 4-year college.

They should offer creative writing classes as well.

Also, look for creative writing meet-ups or groups in your area, and just show up and bring your stuff for critique. I also write, and you will learn almost as much in these critique groups about writing as you would in a class.

Maybe someone in a writing group can give you suggestions for writing programs at 4-year schools and community colleges.

Best of luck to you.

You will be surprised at how many good transfer options there are for hard working CC students.

Take the ACT, look at Colleges that Change Lives (many still have openings). Your sentence structure, poise, and overall grammar do not look 11th percentile to me. Your writing is thoughtful, mature, and correct. There is something amiss…

Knox still has openings and has an excellent creative writing program.
It’ll likely be more expensive than TC3 though and it’s selective, but there’s no risk in trying and it’s free to apply.

Re: Columbia in Chicago - although it’s easy to get into for an undergrad, it is still a legitimate and respected school for the creative arts. (It’s harder to get accepted into their Master’s programs, I understand.) Just wanted to clarify that. I know a few people who received degrees from there - one good friend of mine has a graphic design/photography BA from Columbia. I have two other friends who received MFAs in Creative Writing - that required submitting written samples, etc. and is more selective.
The school is great for kids who want a creative arts degree who couldn’t get into a more prestigious program.

Okay thanks I’ll look into this school, I’ve decided to apply to Washington State University, but this time I will write a more personal personal statement that actually talks about my struggles in more depth. I’m looking into scholarships online that have to do with creative writing and screenwriting online as well as other types, If all else fails, I’ll just go to a cc for a year I suppose.

Columbia College in Chicago has almost no financial aid to offer beyond federally determined aid. Yes, you almost certainly will be admitted, but you also will almost certainly be offered only the federal student loans and any Pell Grant money you qualify for. It has terrific programs in the arts, but is not a good option for students who cannot afford the full cost of their education.

You need to prove to yourself and 4 year colleges that you are capable of college work. I am not sure why you were taking AP English…perhaps College Prep or Honors would have been better. Anyway, taking courses at a CC is a lower risk/lower cost way to start doing college work. Once you have done well there, after two years transfer to your state U.
You are not “settling” for CC…it is a tool that you can use to get a higher education.

Agreed about Columbia if cost is an issue.

OP should look into CC for this reason, as well - much cheaper option.

Furthermore, the CC route will give OP a second chance to get better grades and eventually be admitted into more selective 4 year colleges.

Why would you apply to Washington State, since I understand you’re OOS? They’ll have NO financial aid for you from Out of State.
Columbia is a terrific college for the arts, but they have no financial aid either.
Apply to some of the colleges on the previous list, plus Knox (nationally-ranked for creative writing). It’s too bad you didn’t apply to Ursinus, they have a special scholarship for writing.

While this is technically possible, that would mean you got a 210 on the math, barely above simply filling in your name. This seems most unlikely. Out of 888,825 females that took the SAT in 2014, only 1,433 scored 210. I am using probability to close this thread.