im so sad!

<p>i have wanted to go to ucb for as long as i can remember! i moved out of california a few years ago unfortunately so i am out of state, i was rejected from northetern, u chicago and ucla/ucb. i had a 2200, 3.7/4.3, good extracirriculars/letters/essays and i even spent the summer taking classes at berkeley. i got into ucsd honors and university of washington so thats good but, anyone have any advice on appealing or to make me feel better?</p>

<p>UC San Diego is an excellent school and Washington is becoming one.</p>

<p>My advice: buy either a great bathing suit or a smashing umbrella and go to one or the other. Out-of-state appeals at UCs have very little chance of succeeding.</p>

<p>excellent points, i just want to feel that all my work paid off, and i do realize that it is difficult to get into ucsd out of state, so im not ungrateful!
also i want to do science/maybe pre-med so that should help me out</p>

<p>I'm in the same boat you are! I got rejected from Cal, but I got the regents scholarship at UCSD, so I'm probably heading there for fall of 08. If you'r e planning to go into premed, SD is definitely the way to go! Compared to berkeley's premed programs, Sd's program is a lot stronger.</p>

<p>i live in SD, and know that UCSD sends more kids to medical school than any other college in the US. WOW i know. (not percentage wise, just straight numbers).</p>

<p>its def a hot spot for a good pre-med education.</p>

<p>bump i'm choosing between Rochester (NY) and UWashington as well for premd which 1 do you think will fare better for graduate school ?</p>

<p>doozer, I think the question should be what type of weather your prefer :)</p>

<p>hmmmmmmm, well they're both cold. honestly though, i know Rochester is known for their premed but UWashington is #2 (i believe) on us news national rankings for primary care med schools. i know attending an undergrad has no influence on where you get in for grad school, but i would just like to know where to go RIGHT NOW. i hate being a senior in hs.</p>

<p>what about ucsd v. uw v. nyu for pre med?</p>

<p>actually for uw, it helps A LOT going to uw for undergrad because they accept only people from states like wa, oregon, and idaho i think, i could be wrong
is it the same for ucsd?</p>

<p>aalso, wwishuponastar, how do you have that information? thanks</p>

<p>sarah, are you talking about for grad school? because i applied OOS RD for undergrad (biology) and got my acceptance notification way earlier than expected.
i know ucsd (ilke all other UCs) favors the in-state kids first, but out of staters are def not out of the question.</p>

<p>i think for med school it helps a lot to go to uw to get into uw med school, more than for undergrad
sorry, does that made sense</p>

<p>Sarah -- UCSD is fantastic for pre-med with amazing research opportunities throughout the sciences. And it is literally at a gorgeous, uncrowded beach. And honors, too, from out of state! Go ahead and appeal UCB if you want to, but you have a very fine alternative a few hundred miles south...</p>

<p>yes i see what youre saying. but i'm not sure where i want to go for med school yet, i was merely listing UW as an example because it is ranked so high for its graduate program...yet you hear no one talk about going there for premed. at least not where i live.</p>

<p>thats true, i am also questioning how good uw will look to leave the state for med school.</p>

<p>Sarah, unless you're family is wealthy or you got a big scholarship (not loans, grants) I wouldn't go to UCSD. Or any UC, for that matter, out-of-state. While they are great deals for CA kids, they simply aren't worth the $40K+ they cost out of state. For that kind of money you can go to a private where you have smaller classes, more personal attention, a faculty advisor assigned to you, etc.</p>

<p>At a UC school you're one of 20,000+ kids. You want something, make it happen! You're not going to get the assistance and support that 40K buys at many privates. Here's the premed advising you're going to get at UCSD -- UCSD</a> Premed Info Is that worth 40K?</p>

<p>Here's what I suggest you do to help make your decision. Go to your local library and get a book on med school admissions. You'll find out that what matters are grades, scores, recs, essays, having experience in a medical setting (volunteer, etc), and research experience is a plus. Any decent school can provide this. An excellent web article on this is at Amherst; see Amherst</a> College Premedical Guide It says in part
Amherst College has no magic touch that automatically elevates a student's chances of entering medical school simply by virtue of the student's coming to Amherst; no college or university has that kind of magic touch. What does elevate a student's chances is to go to an institution (1) that energizes and challenges that particular student academically, while providing good teaching and academic support so the student can meet the challenge satisfactorily; and (2) that provides opportunities for accomplishment and leadership in extracurricular areas. Of course the student must take advantage of these educational and extracurricular opportunities - in the end it's the student's accomplishments that count, not the name of the institution.


<p>It isn't always rainy in Seattle!! It is brilliantly sunny right now in fact.</p>

<p>mikemac - good advice, my family may relocate to CA soon, so thats the part that makes the decision confusing, thanks! ur right, a private school is a lot more helpful whereas at a public school you are on your own!</p>

<p>Sarah, keep in mind that your family will have to be resident in CA for a year before you qualify for in-state rates. There are lots of specific rules; you can find out more on the UCSD website; search for stuff about residency</p>

<p>UCSD is a fantastic school for pre-med. UCB is very cut throat, you might not do well there. I would go to UCSD.</p>