I'm starting at Community College this tuesday

<p>Hi. I'm starting at Pasadena Community College. This Tuesday is my first class. I've been out of school for a while. I dropped out of high school really early on and I got my GED pretty easily so now I want to further and get my education on track. One question I have is should I buy my books before going to class or wait till the first day to hear from the teacher what books I exactly need? This scares me..going to class without my books..mm.</p>

<pre><code> The reason I left high school was because I as dealing with social anxiety. I don't know why but at the age I didn't really know who I was and would get nervous putting myself out there and especially public speaking. I've never given a presentation because I've ran away and skipped out on class every time I would have to give one. It's kinda snowballed but I've changed a lot and am more social. Talking with someone one on one I'm great but with all eyes and me I get nervous. I know the best thing would be to face my fears head on and take a public speaking class butt ahh I dont know. that scares me.

         But I don't know how much of a problem it is  still or it'll be. Like I said I've changed alot. I've had jobs where there has been a lot of socializing and customer service so I've deff opened up alot but still idk get the spot light effect when walking down the street and can't change that. Feels like everyone looking at me but I know there not.

        Ohh and they'res two other things. One is that I have a english lab that was a co req with my english class. What's a English lab?

          Another thing is that a schedule for one of my class looks like this...


<p>6254 ENGL 100 0 READING AND WRITING SKILLS -Pasadena Main Campus 4.000 CR Jan 13, 2014 May 11, 2014 TR 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm V 206 Samtani
Jan 13, 2014 May 11, 2014 TR 2:35 pm - 3:05 pm V 206 Samtani</p>

<p>Why does it seperate like that..why not just Reading and writing skills 1:00-3:05?</p>

<p>Help and advice much appreciated</p>

<p>Definitely wait for teacher to tell you unless you have a list for books.</p>

<p>Chance me?</p>

<p>Wait until the first day of class before you buy the books. Sometimes, professors won’t use the textbook listed, or it will be a reference for suggested/recommended reading, rather than something you’ll be tested on. Professors usually don’t expect students to have the textbook on the first day, and they typically give students some time to get them.</p>

<p>What an English lab is or why they separate the classes like that will depend on your school.</p>

<p>CC usually has pretty small classes, so you may be able to email the professor and ask about the books. It’s good to wait til the professor says you need books before buying them, but it’s nice to have options like ordering online, finding sales, etc. School bookstore is usually a lot more expensive than it should be.</p>

<p>Anxiety: Uh, not sure what you expect us to say on that one. If you want to take a class, go for it. Otherwise, don’t worry about it. If your anxiety keeps you from asking questions during class, there’s always office hours.</p>

<p>English lab and the way class is listed: No idea, I wouldn’t worry about it. I doubt lab would be like, science experiments, so it’s probably more of a discussion thing.</p>

<p>I start on Tuesday too! I’m in the Peralta district (not sure if i spelled that right, oh well)</p>

<p>I’d say don’t worry too much, the people are more friendly and welcoming. I don’t feel judged or dragged down by a reputation like I did in high school. I’m still a shy person but no one asks why or tells me I should talk more.</p>

<p>I hope you enjoy college ツ</p>