@hailtopitt1787 I’m trying to fill out the immunization records as an incoming freshman and I received my list of administered vaccines by my doctor but as I was filling out the Immunization Entry on the Online Student Health portal it asks for you to “prove immunity to any of the 3 diseases via titer tests.” I was wondering if that was a required section to fill out since at the top it just says that freshman are required to submit the dates of vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella. I looked it up and a titer test cost extra money, do I need to have one to finish filling out my health forms?
@Applicant7, unfortunately, I do not know!
You will need to contact Student Health Services for clarification. https://www.pittstart.pitt.edu/freshmen_health.aspx
A Pitt Admissions Staffer
No - titer test is instead of not in addition to afaik.
@amandakayak Ok thank you, I just wanted to make sure I filled everything out that I needed!
Double ck with student health but if something is missing, I know they would reach out.