
I’m planning to attend Bama bound in a couple weeks, the July 11th date. I have all of my required immunizations except for the TB test, so I called about a month ago to set one up, and they said they could just do it at my next physical, which I can’t do until July 30th. This would give me enough time to get the results and send everything I need to Bama by the deadline, which is August 1st. I emailed Bama and asked if I needed to have my immunizations in before Bama bound, and they said that as long as I get it in by the 1st I’d be okay. Today I was looking at the schedule builder, trying to see which classes I should take, and it said that because my immuniztions aren’t in, I have a “registration hold” and I won’t be able to register until they’re in. So my question is should I try to get a TB test done like in the next week and get it all in before Bama Bound, or should I just wait until my scheduled appointment and hope that I’ll still be able to register for classes?

Go get it done. My son did the Summer on Campus program and we found out 72 hours before we left that he needed it. He had already had his physical and immunizations, so we just went and did it at the local convenient care. We had them read it and sign the form the day we left, and ny son submitted it in myBama. We called to let them know and his hold was released right away.

If your doctor can squeeze you in for what you need, check your local health department. Ours did DS’s TB test as a walk-in.

My child did Bama Bound in May, and we were concerned about the same thing. He called the Health Service department and they said the TB test is NOT required to register at Bama Bound. My child was on Registration Hold, until literally 10am on the second day of Bama Bound, when it opens up for the Bama Bound attendees.

Are you sure you are on registration hold because of the immunizations? My child has not done his yet (It is scheduled for July 6), and he was able to register during Bama Bound.

The best bet would be to get it done prior to Bama Bound (you have to get it done anyway). Alternatively, you can always call and ask, the University is usually really helpful.

I would just do it at health dept or walk-in clinic. My girls did it you had to wait a couple of days to have it read so not sure you can wait until July 30 and have it read by Aug. 1

One tip is I called my health insurance company in an effort to learn the cost of the TB test. I learned that as long as the test was administered by an In-Network physician’s office, that it was no cost, and covered as if it was an immunization. I am glad we made this call, as had we gone to a pharmacy it would not have been covered. Everyone’s insurance is different. By the way, it took 48 hours to get a result (the patient has to go back in for an observed result), but my child carried the Alabama paperwork in with them, and came out with it all signed. They uploaded it last night.