Impact on admission decision of 1st semester, Sr. year grades?

My son is an OOS applicant and he is decidedly on the bubble in terms of acceptance. His 1st semester grades were released today and they were excellent–the best he’s had in his entire HS career. His school automatically sends an updated transcript to all of the schools to which their students have applied in late January. Based on the admissions’ timeline, his transcript will arrive in Madison after an initial decision is made on his application. Should I forward an updated transcript to Madison preemptively? Or just wait for the process to run its course? Thanks.

Send it.

The same thing happened to me as well. I sent mine. Definitely send it, it won’t hurt!!

OK, my son sent in an unofficial transcript along with a short note reiterating his strong interest in Wisconsin. He received a reply from an admissions rep that the document would be added to his file. Thanks for the advice.

@BillPilgrim I did something similar for transfer admissions, and found out that even if they added my unofficial transcript to the application file, they still did not consider them because they were not finalized. I’d still send in the final transcript and appeal if for whatever reason your son is denied. Hopefully that won’t be the case, then again my situation may have been different from yours.