Regular decision

Son had everything in for EA but somehow payment didn’t go through on my credit card so now he waits until Regular decision. He’s confident he’ll get in(in state ACT 29, UW gpa 3.7, good extracurriculars-Eagle Scout, Varsity captain, good volunteer hrs). I am cautiously optimistic and am wondering if he should be doing anything extra to boost his chances. Should he submit another letter of recommendation, semester grades, or??

He’ll be asked to self-report 1st semester grades sometime after the beginning of the new year.

I figured that would be true but was wondering if he should add another letter of recommendation or his updated transcript. Do his stats look like Madison is a fit??

Self-reporting mid-year grades WOULD be the updated transcript. I’d follow the directions for RD on the website. Not sure about the extra rec. letter - do they seem like the kind of school that wants extra stuff like that? They don’t consider subject tests in the decision so those can be left off as well. Most likely he’s fine with what’s been sent in. You can call them to get an idea of when they’d request the mid-year grades. IIRC they send an e-mail instructing you how to do that.

His stats appear to be fine for in-state but it will depend on the major. Direct entry programs are going to be relatively more selective than L&S.

He is undecided so L&S leaning toward Computer science… I just hope missing the EA option won’t have an impact on Regular decision admission…

@wisons being in-state will help a lot. So will the desire to be in L&S.

Do not waste your time or emotional energy trying to second guess things. My bet is that for most students the timing won’t matter. There will be some students who are clear admits and clear rejections. Many who met the early deadline still need to wait for their final decision- after UW has time to evaluate your son’s application and all of the others who still have time to apply (it’s still January). Years ago UW had truly rolling admissions, this early action bit seems to be in response to how many other schools are doing things.

There is a quandary in wishing your son good luck because his luck may mean another student’s misfortune. Trust that whatever happens it will still be a good outcome for his college education and future.

Thanks…I guess it’s a bit of mom guilt because for whatever reason it was my credit card that didn’t process. I know everything happens for a reason and I will try to stay positive for him!

I understand, if he is in/out it was meant to be. From what I see on this site I can’t make a prediction. Best wishes.

Does anyone think that RD will come out before the date. In the past it has seemed that Wisconsin was rolling admissions but that looks as though it has changed this year.

For OOS, is UW madison generous with merit aid or not at all? Also are there any merit scholarships that require separate applications?

@LegenderyJohn - you can research scholarships on the website. Most do require a specific application but they have a hub set up to assist with search and initial application. UW-Madison is not known for handing out generous merit aid to OOS students. However, in recent years they may be handing out more than they did in the past.

Does anyone know deadline for reporting first semester grades? With snow days interrupting finals, our grades won’t be final until next week…

Not sure but you should contact them and report that your midyears will be delayed due to the bad weather.

^ Update to above: Admissions is closed now. The university is expected to re-open Thurs. afternoon.

He is accepted!! L+S thinking of Computer Science—what a relief and proud Mom moment!!

@wiscsons congrats!! That’s amazing :)) go badgers!!!

@wiscsons Congrats!