<p>Alright so I'm a new admit and live within close distance to campus so I really want my bruincard already so I can use services only offered to current students with a bruin card. My question is: Is there a way to get your bruincard processed more quickly maybe if I picked it up from kerckhoff instead of having them mail it out to me? What's bugging me the most about not having the card is not being able to use the gym and getting kicked out of Powell library at 11pm. Apparently you need a bruincard to stay past 11pm and Im usually at powell studying for my current classes but then get kicked out at the beginning of "night powell" which runs basically 24 hours. Also, once we get our bruin cards are we automatically allowed to use their facilities or will we have to wait until the fall quarter when wer'e actually enrolled? Someone please shed some light. Thanks btw.</p>
<p>do we have to pay extra to use Gym for THIS SUMMER</p>
<p>how are u taking classes already?</p>
<p>Forgot to mention that I will be a new transfer student and I'm taking classes now at my community college but their library is crowded, noisy, and closes at 9pm so I prefer to drive the 20min to UCLA and chill there. I also would like to know if you have to pay for the summer. I was reading their faq's and it said something about $35 for the summer but I'm not sure if that's for people who are not students. Anyone know the answer to this? Would we also need our bruin card to use the student activities center's facilities? I wanna go to the gym this summer but is that not possible since I won't be enrolled until the summer?</p>
<p>I meant to say fall quarter not summer for that last part.</p>
<p>I would except at 21 I am the oldest.</p>
<p>sadly, posts like ilikehugeblablah, kind of tarnish the achievement of getting into UCLA.</p>
<p>Anyways Mex, it's cool to be excited and I don't blame you. My CC library closes early as well so I head over to Stanford usually and study there during finals.</p>
<p>Perhaps you should give them a call and get the info direct. Don't be intimidated, afterall, you will be paying them thousands of dollars. Not only are you a student but you are also a customer. ;)</p>