Importance of Mid Year reports

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I was wondering about the importance of mid year reports in college admissions. I know that some schools require them and others don't, but for the schools that do, how much weight is given to these reports? I ask this because my mid year report may sub par, due to poor performances in only one test for each class. I was also very sick for all of these assessments, so I did not prepare for them as I would have in my normal condition. My fall semester grades are good, and I know that I can pull the grades up by the end of this semester. However, it's a bummer that they only look at mid year reports, which are not reflective of my academic standing at all.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>



<p>I really don’t think we know how much they weigh. </p>

<p>My only suggestion would be to include several schools which do NOT ask for mid-year repts in your list… since you’re worried about that aspect.</p>