Importance of Trig

<p>Hey guys, how important is trig in admissions? I took H Alg I in 7th grade, H Geom in 8th, H Alg II 9th and H Pre-cal this year. My school doesn't offer a Trig class for some reason so next year I would be taking Cal and in 12th grade I would probably take an elective such as AP Stat or Chem. So will USNA take into account that my school doesn't offer trig and if it's really that important, should I try to take a class for credit out in town or something?

<p>Your high school math curricula should include triginometry in Algegra II and/or Pre-calc. In fact your pre-calc class should have a lot of trig or it really isn't pre-calc. In my kids school Trig is offered as a separate class from pre-calc. In 11th grade it is either Trig (cosidered college prep) or Pre-Calc (considered honors). They do get a lot of Trig in Pre-Calc and it moves at a faster pace than the Trig class.
In any case when you take calculus next year you will get triginometry. You need to know it to do calculus.</p>

<p>If you take Calculus in 12th grade you will be doing alright.... AP Calculus is even better. If you haven't had Chemistry yet - you need that as well.
Go ahead and take AP Stats. Be warned: most kids take it thinking it is easy because it isn't calc. It is difficult and not really "Math" - more of a logic class. Lots of Vocab.</p>

<p>The most important thing to remember: All of the academies want to see you taking the highest level of classes offered by your school. Especially in Math and Science. You will not be penalized for not taking courses your school does not offer. If your school offers AP Calculus and you choose just Calculus - someone is probably going to want to know why you made that choice. Like wise with college prep levels and honors levels.</p>

<p>Yes, take the trig some way. My son had same problem when he transferred schools. Took trig independent study concurrently with math analysis, which in turn allowed for the calc in senior season. Lots of places that you can take it either online or independent study. Admittedly NOT the preferred way to learn trigonometry, but beats none at all.</p>

<p>trig is really part of Calc, so if you can get through pre calc and Calc you should be fine</p>

<p>I would be taking AP Calc next year and I know the school has integrated Trig thoughout all the math class so that may be a reason why its not an official class. Then again, I don't know if the Trig they taught was just part of the Geom or Alg II curriculum. I was also just planning on taking AP Chem because I remember seeing lots of posts saying "Plebe Chem is one of the hardest classes you will take" or "Skipping Freshman Chem is a Godsend".Thanks for your advice.</p>

<p>pre calc covers the basis of trig. you'll be fine.</p>

<p>You don't need Trig. My son went directly from Alg.2 into calculus in his senior year. Had no problems in the class or at the academy.</p>