Important SAT II Qs...

<p>What is the difference between the SAT II in Spanish and the SAT II in Spanish with Listening?</p>

<p>Is there one that Princeton prefers?</p>

<p>I'm not a native speaker (I'm an Asian), but I've been studying Spanish for quite a while and am in AP Spanish Lang right now. </p>

<p>Also...would taking SAT IIs in both US History and World History look like I'm only one-sided?
I'm planning on attending Woody Woo. Should I take SAT II in Physics instead even though I'm stronger in history and my intended major has nothing to do with physics?</p>

<p>Please help!!</p>

<p>I also just saw that Spanish with Listening is only available in November, and I am planning on doing Early Action. Should I just go with regular Spanish?</p>

<p>Spanish with Listening contains a section where you listen to a passage versus just reading and answering multiple choice. Many students feel nervous when they take this test, but averages scores are higher. And they do only offer it in November, but I do not think much weight is put on the listening test. Although, apparently, some colleges “indicate the Spanish with Listening test gives them a fuller picture of your ability and may be more useful for placement purposes.” In other words, I think you will be fine taking either, just score high (700-800 range).
Source: [Spanish</a> with Listening SAT Subject Test - Spanish Practice Tests & Questions](<a href=“The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board”>The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>I would advocate taking ONE history and ONE science, just so they get the idea that you are a well-rounded individual when it comes to studies. Note that the subject tests do not in any way indicate your major and are not even related to your major. The SAT II tests are meant to gauge your learning… not your major.</p>