Important! Scholarship question

<p>I had my part of the application in well before Dec 15. However, my counselor/teacher recommendations and school transcripts were not in until after that deadline. Am I still eligible to receive merit awards? </p>

<p>I'm hearing in oh a week about ED II and will receive some sort of financial aid package at that time. I am thinking about calling or writing someone in the admissions office about my question, but I might wait to see if I'm accepted or not.</p>


<p>This was posted on Kenyon’s site/blog on November 13th:</p>

<p>“Many students have also frantically been contacting the office given the December 15th scholarship deadline. Please DON’T worry! We understand the time constraints you have in your daily lives, with end of term, athletics, clubs, the holidays, etc., etc., etc…”</p>

<p>You should be fine. Best of luck!</p>