<p>My dd got her ACT scores from 10/12 test yesterday, and we're trying out where to focus study or test prep efforts
S: 27
Composite: 30</p>
<p>Obviously science was lowest, but I don't understand how the composite is determined. If she focuses on science and can bring it up to 30-31, could she get a 32 composite? Doesn't make sense logically, but we're trying to figure out how to best improve her score a couple points. She's a junior</p>
<p>I believe the composite score is determined by finding the average of all the section scores, then rounding up. So (E,M,R,S) = (31,31,30,31) would become a composite score of 31. If English, Math and Reading scores remain the same, the science score would have to be a 33 in order to get a 32 composite.</p>
<p>Yes, the composite is determined by averaging all four sections.</p>
<p>If the composite is a fraction, it is rounded to the nearest whole number. e.g., A composited score of 30.5 would be rounded to 31.</p>
<p>Your dd is doing well. If you want to improve her score, I would focus on general test prep. She needs to improve her subsections by a total of 7 points to get to a 32. Obviously, science has the greatest potential for improvement, but you shouldn’t ignore the other sections.</p>
<p>thanks for the feedback. I guess I was overthinking it - that there was more complex logic involved in the composite score, lol. We will probably have her retake it in February, with some time to review a bit over break and see how she does. She’s shooting for a 32+…</p>