<p>I am a rising senior at a competitive school in central texas hoping to get into UT college of Natural sciences next year(I hear that it's not as hard to get into as the other colleges such as Mccombs). I'm not a bad student, but the only problem is, I'm out of the top 9% which i know lowers my chances severely. My rank is actually pretty bad, (In the bottom half with a 3.85 weighted). But luckily, I don't think they will see it because my school doesn't rank outside of the top 10%(is this bad, since UT considers rank so heavily?). Anyway, I am wondering what my realistic chances are of getting CAPped.. so to give me some reference..</p>
<p>What were your stats as an in-state non top 9%er who got rejected/accepted to UT?</p>
<p>I realize how specific the title is, so I REALLY appreciate someone posting when the description matches them :)</p>
<p>@laurennicole — thank you! for some reason the keywords I was typing in couldn’t locate that thread, but very helpful!
I am just PRAYING that i get into natural sciences… I am doing everything in my power at this point to not get CAP’d. I am literally studying 4 hours a day for the SAT to try to get a 2200+… I feel like a loser haha…</p>
<p>Haha I am in the same boat as you. Trying to boost my SAT to the 2100-2200 range. My school is WAY too small to rank, we’re going to have 19 people in my senior class…everything about my app rocks (in my opinion) and I’m applying to COLA International Relations 1st choice. I do not want to do CAP, but if it happens, I probably will because it’s the most financially viable option. UT is my #1 choice and I’m just praying I’ll get in! A girl from my school got in this year, she had a 2100 SAT. IDK what school she applied to though, I think nursing. Another guy that applied got rejected
He had a 2000 SAT score. I’m just trying not to worry too much about it, I have good ECs, good recs, will have a good SAT score and good essays…I think I’ll get in but I’m still not sure
Best of luck to you! :)</p>
<p>I’m right there with you… I’m actually the 11th percent at my highly competitive school.
I’m studying very hard to get in, because it still does happen. Not every top 9 percent person goes to UT.
Worse comes to worse, I take my basics somewhere else and transfer with the same degree and diploma as everyone else. :)</p>