Inapropriate or Not??

<p>I attend college online, until now I have never had a professor ask me some of the questions I am getting from this guy. He is asking me for pictures, not sexual pictures but photos of me and my child. Now he has asked me for my phone number and personal e mail address I am afraid if I don't give it to him he will fail me. Here's the clincher the class is an ETHICS class! I tried to talk to my husband about it but he just hit the ceiling, he doesn't understand that I think this guy will really fail me. When I e mail him back I only talk about my family and how lucky I am to have them, all he wants to talk about is how I smile? When he asked me for my home number he said also tell me when to call (I don't want your hubby to get mad) that was a huge red flag for me. So here I am what should I do? Should I drop the class, report this guy or hold on I only have one month left in this class? I appreciate any suggestions, I feel really alone right now. Thanks</p>

<p>You are right. What the professor is doing is very inappropriate.</p>

<p>Write down all of the inappropriate things he has been doing. Include approximate dates and as many other details as you can remember. </p>

<p>There is someone at your university who’s in charge of looking into sexual harassment situations. Call the H-R dept. (You can do this anonymously), find out who that person is, and contact them ASAP about what to do.</p>

<p>I’m curious: How does the prof know what you look like if it’s an on-line class?</p>

<p>Call a lawyer. Sue his ass.</p>

<p>After that - You won’t even need to go to college.</p>

<p>I think you can sue him and the college</p>

<p>Keep the e-mails as well.</p>

<p>College professors think they could get away with anything since their students are adults thus they won’t get prosecuted. One of my former college professor was also my mentor so we sometimes talked on the phone about school and career. He was like an uncle to me. Overtime he had other expectations but he knew I wasn’t the type that would go for him. He would then try to tell me things like our ages weren’t that far apart or he was very young at heart. He was married with children. He then said some girls do this and that to get A’s or to get into a university. I was very offended so I told him off. I told him that I wasn’t the type and I didn’t need an A so desperately that I would do anything for it. He was so scared I think after I told him where I stood in that issue. He began to explain what he said and tried to confirm with me that he didn’t say what I thought he did. I wished I had recorded him so I could report him. What a jerk! Although nothing happened I still feel violated because he was my mentor, someone I respected and trusted.</p>

<p>I think you should be very careful of your professor. You should record him whenever possible so you have proof of his inappropriate actions. You don’t have to drop the course because it’s almost finished. Try to buy some time with this guy. If he asks to meet then say you’re busy with your child or you have to study or some other things you have to attend to. Give him some excuses about you not having time to talk to him or meeting him. Tell him once the class is over you should have more time. That way he thinks that you’re really busy and waits for you. By then the class is really over and you don’t have to see him ever again. Record him whenever possible.</p>