Incoming Freshman Class Advising

<p>Hey all, haven't posted here in a while. </p>

<p>So I'm going to SOAR in July and I know that's where you sign up for classes but can I get any advising before I go there? How long exactly do I get to sit down with an advisor when I get there. I'm not exactly sure what I want to major in that's why I'm asking. Do I get a course guide before I get to SOAR? Also, how do I find out who my advisor is so I can email them, because I guess that is the logical thing to do. And how does advising work in college, are the advisors really busy? If I saw them twice a year that would probably be good enough for me.</p>

<p>All these questions I have about courses make me think I missed some crucial step in this. And I know that placement tests have something to do with it too.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>I'll also be attending SOAR in July and i'm facing a similar problem. i think ur best option is to narrow down ur list of majors to a few, then check out the requirements for that major which can usually be found on the departments website. You can also read short descriptions of those courses at <a href=""&gt;;/a> . That should help you get a better understanding of what classes u'll have to sign up for should u choose a certain major.</p>

<p>Yeah, thanks. The problem is that I want to do pre-med and I want to graduate in 4 years and I don't even know if I can fit a non science major like international studies in with that. But that's not my biggest problem, I just don't want to go into SOAR not knowing anything. Do we at least get a course guide at SOAR?</p>

<p>You can look at all sorts of info on the UW website, eg a catalog with premed reqs, reqs for majors, the timetable... You will get a catalog and a booklet with all sorts of info about the campus. Try to do your homework and have several courses you would like in mind when you go. Remember, this is your education, take charge of it. People can major in anything and be premed, just be sure to plan your chemistry courses early on to fit them all in.</p>

<p>Yeah I'm definitely ready and willing I guess I'll just wait for that catalog. I know what premed courses I have to take and everything, what I really need is actual advising on how it works I guess, scheduling wise. I really know nothing about majoring in something and credits and all that stuff. When can I expect that catalog?</p>

<p>so im gonna be majoring in international studies, nd i was just wondering what other mandatory classes im gonna hav to take freshman year other than the pre-reqs for my major.</p>

<p>We parents paid $7 for a catalog at University Bookstore, glad we have our own copy; son received one at SOAR which went to school with him in the fall. You can read the catalog online also. Hopefully you will not need any remedial math or English based on your placement testing and can find classes to meet school graduation reqs along with starting courses for your major/premed plans. So many ways to meet reqs, start thinking of which appeal to you in the different areas.</p>

<p>I kind of wish they would send us the cataloges before SOAR, doesn't make sense to me this way, but I will look for it online. What's the math part of the placement test like, anyone know? I heard it was easy.</p>

<p>Shanku you can find practice placement test for English, Math, and the Foreign Languages on their website. The course catalog is easy to find. Just log into and go to academics. It's located in there somewhere. The cool thing about their catalogue is that it will let you see all sorts of great info about your major's reqs, so you can pick out a smattering of classes before you go to SOAR</p>

<p>Thank you, will do.</p>

you can find practice placement test for English, Math, and the Foreign Languages on their website.


<p>Link, please?</p>

<p>Use the listed above, log in with your id... I can't as I'm a parent, not a student.</p>

<p>found it:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^ Thanks :D</p>