<p>I just got accepted into Haas and am planning my classes for Fall 2014.
What classes are easiest to take? I've already decided to take Spanish 25 and UGBA 102A with Brooks. But I don't know what other classes to take. I hear that I should take the easier classes junior year and push all the rest to senior year, once I get a job offer. However, all the classes seem to be in the same level of "difficulty". I don't really want to take UGBA 107 because it looks like it's a lot of reading. Also, I'm not sure which Econ class is easier (UGBA 101a, 101b, Econ 100a, 100b, IAS 106, 107, etc.)</p>
<p>hello! I just received my acceptance letter to UC Berkeley, and although I can’t really answer your question, I’m just really curious about the Haas Business School. Congrats on getting in!
I am 95% positive I’m going to be studying at Berkeley in the fall, and I plan on applying to the Haas Business School my sophomore year of college. If you don’t mind me asking, was it hard to get in? I know on the website, there was a 45% acceptance rate for the class of 2017, and there are many course pre-reqs. Did you join a lot of clubs or hold many leadership positions? :D</p>
<p>Hi! First off, congratulations on your acceptance!</p>
<p>In terms of Haas: From what I’ve seen of others, if you end up with at least a 3.5 minimum GPA, 1-2 great leadership positions, an interesting internship in which you actually do stuff, and some awesome essays, you should be fine. </p>
<p>For me, I satisfied a lot of prereqs through community college and AP classes before entering Berkeley so in terms of that, it wasn’t too hard. For clubs, I joined a consulting club and then went up the ranks from student consultant to internal director to project manager to vice president in a span of 1.5 years. I also started another club with my friend that’s not business related and also did two internships in my freshman year summer.</p>
<p>I hope that helps! Congratulations again and good luck!</p>