
<p>I applied as kind of a random, last-minute thing (since it's free and there's no supplement and all), but I don't really know anything about Loyola. Any current students or prospective students that want to share some general info on the university are encouraged to do so :).</p>

<p>I'm wanting more info as well. I applied, then researched it. It had all the things I wanted size, program, etc. The more I research the better it gets but I'd like some first hand knowledge. I have no idea where I'm going and any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>I applied to Loyola and got my acceptance letter last week. Being from southern Louisiana and having visited campus twice, here's my take on the school:</p>

<li>New Orleans is a fun college city. There are problems with crime, but Loyola is in a very good neighborhood. People who get into trouble usually end up so because they don't use common sense. </li>
<li>The campus is small, but very nice. You could walk from one end to the other in five minutes. This can be a huge plus as you don't have to walk long distances to get to class.</li>
<li>The dorms aren't great, but they aren't that bad either. I'd rate them at about average. I've seen better, but I've also seen worse.</li>
<li>The music program is supposed to be very good. I don't know much about the quality of the other academic programs at the school, but one great thing is there are quite a bit of majors for such a small school. No classes are taught by graduate students.</li>
<li>One unique thing about Loyola is it's close proximity to Tulane. It's right next door. Because of this, the two universities have a special relationship. Students at both universities can actually take classes at the other, and you can use your meal plan on either campus. Tulane students will actually sometimes use Loyola's cafeteria because, according to my tour guide, the food is better.</li>
<li>New Orleans is a fun city. There is always something to do, and it's a great place to party. Both Tulane and Loyola have a reputation for being party schools.</li>
<li>The library is spectacular. It is ranked by the Princeton Review as one of the top 5 college libraries.</li>

<p>I hope this answers your questions. If you are serious about any college, it would probably be a good idea to visit. Personally, I'm seriously considering Loyola and think the university deserves more attention than it gets.</p>

<p>I'm definitely planning on visiting-It's on the top of my list right now but it depends on $. I'm narrowing down my list quite a bit based on finances.</p>

<p>I'm also from Southern Louisiana. I considered Loyola and Tulane among my in-state options. I was leaning towards Loyola because they have a very reputable international business major and because I thought I would like the smaller campus. When you get there, you notice it's Catholic, but it's not overbearing. If you applied early, did they nominate you for a scholarship? $ was a major factor for me too, and I was nominated for one of the half scholarships instead of the Ignatian full-ride, so I had to drop Loyola from my list. I don't know your financial situation, but if your parents make less than 50k, Tulane basically gives a full ride. Even if they don't, I know that Tulane is known for having very very good financial aid. I will say that Tulane is more of the research university type setting with its huge buildings and more students and that Loyola is the smaller, more intimate liberal arts college with students playing guitar on the quad grass and tossing a frisbee. In the end, I think I would've liked Tulane more, but alas, I am going out of state because I got a full ride elsewhere. If you have any questions concerning Tulane or Loyola, just message me. Good luck!</p>

<p>Where did you wind up going if you don't mind me asking? I did apply early and have been nominated for a scholarship so we'll see. I was set to go anywhere and then boom the economy took a turn for the worse. We'll see. Thanks for all your input.</p>

<p>I applied last year and got the 16k scholarship from them, I think they are pretty good about that since they are one of the only ones who gave me one. The school was just too small for me, to me it felt like a high school</p>

<p>Were you nominated for the Ignatian Scholarship or one of their many other half scholarships? Loyola is about $40k so if you can get a 16k scholarship, 2.5k work study (that's not a concrete number), then you'd have a 21.5k in loans (assuming you don't qualify for any financial aid). On collegeboard says that Loyola grants and scholarships constitute 55% of aid and that the other 45% is loans and jobs. </p>

<p>I dunno if you're looking into loans, or if you'd be ok with 20k a year, but I will point out that my cousin paid for his tulane undergraduate degree by working as a bartender 3 nights a week. When I visited Loyola, there were a few restaurants, shops, and caf</p>

<p>Thanks for all the info! I'm definitely going to go visit, provided I get enough money. I can pay about 15 but that's all and loans are few and far between these days. I'm not sure what I am up for other than the leadership fellows program. I really like it so I'm hopeful that everything works out.</p>

<p>Wow, you guys have all been quite helpful (being that I haven't yet toured Loyola and really know nothing about it). They're considering me for a full scholarship though so now I'm trying to learn more, and I definitely need to visit (probably some time in the early spring...I'm not close by!). </p>

<p>Emory?? Wow, that's a fantastic school, and it's roughly 30 mins out of Atlanta, which makes it even better in my opinion.</p>

<p>offthetreadmill: what exactly is the leadership fellows program? Online it said that it's a group of 20 students who live together (share a dorm hallway) and take classes together. Does this mean that if you're part of the program you take all of your classes solely with other leadership fellows?</p>

<p>No problem :) I have two friends who are there right now. If you'd like to message them or something, I'd be happy to give you their e-mails. Seriously, it's a wonderful school :D</p>

<p>I was also nominated for the leadership program. From what I understood, you live in the themed floor, and you take leadership seminars together and plan some activities and what not. Sounds like an awesome program.</p>

<p>Offthetreadmill--I would really suggest that you come during Mardi Gras if your parents would allow you ;) If they don't...(hopefully!) if you go to Loyola, you WILL experience it, no doubt about it. Also, Voodoo Fest in NO should be awesome. Like I said, you can never get bored in New Orleans. The foods great, the people are friendly, and the parties are wild.</p>

<p>If you're concerned about hurricanes--don't be! From what I understand, Tulane and Loyola students are bused out immediately after the Universities receive notice from the city. Often, if you don't go to your own home, you will be invited to stay with friends who have a house in Baton Rouge or somewhere that's not being evacuated. I've had friends who have sheltered 3-8 of their siblings friends from Tulane and Loyola during Katrina & Gustav. Really, you'd never be stuck in New Orleans during a hurricane. They'd bus you off to Jackson, MS I believe.</p>

<p>CA 2009-the leadership thing came w/my acceptance. You are correct it's 20 people, it sounds great because you'd have a built in group of friends before you arrive on campus. It says you live together in a floor in the co-ed fresh. dorm and plan service projects. I turned my essays in today and am keeping my fingers crossed. I can't wait to visit! It's most likely going to be Spring Break but I believe you have to let them know by March 1 whether or not you intend to attend (if you get the leadership thing). Once I see what kind of scholarship I'll receive I'll know better if it's even possible. </p>

<p>jessimilagres-I'd love to PM your friends. I love to have a good time but am not a drinker per se so I want to make sure I won't feel out of place. I'm not concerned about hurricanes (I'm originally from Florida) but thanks for the info. So far it sounds great. I've got the school narrowed down and now it's a matter of funding :(</p>

<p>How did this slip my mind?! If you visit Loyola they deduct $1000 from your tuition! (I dunno if it would cost more than 1k to travel to NOLA though :/</p>