Infos on "Swiss finance academy" in Verbier, Switzerland


<p>I am an italian law student, am specializing in financial law and would like to work either in the banking division of a law firm or in an investment bank.</p>

<p>I am considering to attend the "Swiss finance academy" next Summer. The program seems serious and rigorous but this impression comes from what I read on their website. In fact, I googled the program but didn't manage to find any independent information. Has any of you attended the program or heard about it? Any advice would be welcome, I'd like to get as many information as possible before deciding. In fact, the program would be really expensive.</p>

<p>I am considering to attend it also because I think it would boost my possibility of being selected for the graduate program of an investment bank in the UK. I have top grades, speak fluently 4 languages and did an internship in the Milan office of a magic circle law firm but I still think I have few possibilities of being selected.</p>

<p>My alternatives to the "Swiss finance academy" would be a course of finance at the LSE's Summer School or a more legal summer school at the Bucerius Summer School in Hamburg. Do you have any other ideas?</p>

<p>Many thanks,</p>


<p>LSE hands down</p>