Insider info on using AP credits at BAMA

<p>So, getting a 4 or a 5 on a subject for which UA only requires a 3 does not give them more credit??? I see some where higher scores are rewarded with more credit, but many AP courses that are not, correct?</p>

<p>Yes, I stand corrected, I was looking for the Honor’s selection which wasn’t available. I guess they have plenty of opportunities for honors classes and it won’t prevent you from taking honors sections in the future.</p>

<p>MichiganGeorgia - I think it used to be a max of 45, but it’s not any more. Look at the link above. I think there are minimum numbers of credits that must be done at a college, and then minimums that must be done at UA, but depending on the major that still allows more than 45 credits to be used usually. I think my S will have 50-55ish.</p>

<p>lisa - I got the 45 credit limit from the 2010-2012 catalog online. I guess they must have just recently changed it.:)</p>

<p>The majority of my D’s are DE credits which may be the difference.</p>

<p>The max 45 limit was removed for the new catalog. </p>

<p>TXA, there is at least one case where getting higher scores helps (besides the standard language/math/etc listed in the catalog) and that is if you get a 4/5 on both English Language and English Lit, in which case you also get 3 elective credits with an HU attribute. This was also a new change for the current catalog.</p>

<p>[Credit</a> by Examination < The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Credit”></p>

<p>My D entered with 39 credits from AP and is using that to be able to get her Masters in MIS in 4 years. So, apply as many as you can, unless you really do not feel comfortable in the knowledge gained … especially if it’s a core subject matter for your major.</p>

<p>Between AP and dual enrollment I expect my son to enter with 33 credits, the equivalent of 10 courses. I am also considering having him take the Spanish CLEP for extra credits and to possibly pass out of the foreign language requirement (he hates foreign language classes but did 4 yrs non-AP spanish). Only a very small % of these would be related to his major, but if my analysis is correct they will help him complete all but 4 of his core curriculum requirement classes.</p>

<p>This will leave PLENTY of time for a double major or for him to change his major if he decides to switch things up completely.</p>

<p>jm2817, I’d definitely suggest he take the Spanish CLEP, especially if he didn’t take the Spanish AP test. Some students have had great success with the language CLEP. And you are right, he will have plenty of time for a double major!</p>

<p>jm2817, I agree. My S just took the German CLEP yesterday and scored high enough for the 14 credits. That will allow him to do a German minor very easily if he wants, and will also account for a bunch of his core requirements. He did no special prep beyond looking at the sample questions on the college board site (and there were only 6 questions). To me, it was worth the $80 for the chance to get so many credits!</p>

<p>lisa6191, did your son have prior plans to take the CLEP test or are you just one of the most organized, on top of thing parent ever?</p>

<p>Definitely the most organized, on top of things parent ever. :D</p>

<p>Actually he has been talking about taking the CLEP instead of the AP ever since we found out that CLEP offers more potential credits than AP (much to his AP German teacher’s dismay). He made a comment a couple weeks ago that he wasn’t really learning much more in German this year, so I looked into what was involved in taking the CLEP exam. Two factors made him take it now - one was that it would be one less thing to worry about at the end of the year with other AP’s, and the other was that you can’t retake a CLEP exam for 6 months, so if he hadn’t scored high enough and wanted to try again he needed to do it soon so he could retake it in August. The CLEP testing center for us is literally down the street and they give exams every Tuesday, so it was an easy thing for him to just run and do.</p>

<p>Lisa - how many years of German does he have? My daughter (current HS junior) will have 5 (including AP) and I am hoping this is enough to pass the CLEP.</p>

<p>My daughter was in AP Spanish this year and also complained that they weren’t really learning anything new in Spanish. She said all they did was do practice AP Tests. Her teacher was very strict about missing class (even though D had an A) and even spoke to me about my daughter’s 4 absences first semester (two illnesses and two volunteering for school events involving new freshmen). Anyway, she took the CLEP in the beginning of Jan. and got well above the necessary cut-off for the 14 credits. She chose to try to transfer out of AP Spanish at the semester (knowing that it is a 1-yr course). She took documentation from UA’s website re: credit for CLEP vs. AP, emails from UA’s local recruiter stating the course change would in no way effect her scholarship or acceptance, she even had a letter from the teacher of the class she wanted to change into stating that she recommended her for that class. She is no longer taking a Spanish class but I am requiring that she help her hs soph brother with his Spanish II and that she continue to use the language as much as possible. We’re in So Cal so that might be easier than some other places.</p>

<p>RTRMom - After all the prep for the AP exam that they were doing in class, my D said that she thought the CLEP was much easier than any of the practice AP tests. Also, as previously stated, if they don’t pass the first time, they can retake it in 6 months, even after hs graduation.</p>

<p>RTRMom2 - My S also has 5 years of German, in AP this year. He did do exchanges through school where he was in Germany for 2 weeks in 8th grade and again for 3 weeks last summer, so I don’t know how much that helped him. He didn’t think it was a terribly difficult test.</p>

<p>rocrollchalktide - Man, now I have to give up the crown of “most organized, on top of things parent ever” to you, since your D took the CLEP before my S. :D</p>

<p>lisa - Believe me when I say this had nothing to do with organization! I am still chuckling that I’ve now been referred to as “most organized…” in anything!! My D will really get a kick out of that. And… if I knew how to insert a smiley, I would!</p>

<p>: ) without the spaces :)</p>