<p>Hello! I have recently become much more active in the college hunt but, although I have always expressed a desire to work at an Ivy League level (more precisely, a Yale level - I'm fascinated with this school!), I am now unfortunately questioning my chances of actually getting in.</p>
<p>I am a sophomore student at a "normal" school (that is, one that is absolutely not recognized nationally and is public in the greatest sense of the word), and would imagine myself currently in the top 10 in a class of around 200.</p>
<p>My freshman schedule was as follows: Honors English 9, Lab Biology, Home Economics, Latin I, French II, Accelerated US History I, and Accelerated Unified Trigonometry something-or-other. It was a "Core Plus" Math course, normally given to sophomore students but, because I was given the opportunity to skip a year of math in 7th grade (one of two in my grade to do so), I will always be a year ahead of the rest of my class.</p>
<p>My sophomore schedule: Latin II, Accelerated Pre Calculus, Physics, French III, Accelerated US History II, Choir, and Honors English 10.</p>
<p>My junior schedule will be as follows, if everything fits as planned: Latin III, AP Calculus, AP Statistics, Lab Chemistry, French IV (which is offered at an Honors level), AP Government, and Honors English 11.</p>
<p>As it stands now (and I'm hoping everything pans out this way), my senior schedule will be: Latin IV, AP French, AP Biology, Modern World History (which is only offered at Advanced and Regular levels - I will be signing up for Advanced), Honors English 12, and I will also have one elective to mess around with. I may consider taking Creative Writing (as I'm planning to take an English/English literature major), but that is open to discussion.</p>
<p>Now, before I mention my GPA and EC's, I have an important question. Because of the fact that I did skip a year of math in 7th grade, there are no math courses open to me in my senior year. I was planning on taking an Independent Study on some aspect of math with the head of the Math Department at my school, but I am curious as to whether this will be a hindrance to me in my college application process or not.</p>
<p>With that said, I'm not sure what my unweighted GPA would be. Does this take into account every quarter of the year, or just the final course grades? If it is the latter, my UW GPA would be 4.0 because I earned all A's for my 9th grade final grades.</p>
<p>I am sure that my weighted GPA, however, is 5.0 (or better because of weighted points - not sure).</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
+ Cross-Age Mentor (grades 10, 11, and 12)
[In case you are not familiar with this, this is a program that is designed
to recruit an array of students that are the best "role models" in each
upper grade to go to our middle school and give those students a chance
to learn about the things that they will face as they get older and enter
high school, both good and bad. It also gives them a "safe" peer to
come to if they feel overwhelmed with these changes.]
+ Student Council member (though not one of the 4 officers) [grades 9, 10, 11, and 12]
+ Choir (grade 10)
+ JCL (Latin Club) [grades 9, 10, 11, 12]
+ Team Leader for a "Relay For Life," an event sponsored by the American Cancer Society that is meant to raise money for the fight against cancer. This is my first Relay, but I plan to do this many more times during my high school career.
+ Ladies Basketball Manager (9th grade) [a rather weak EC in comparison to what I have read on the website so far, but an EC I enjoyed nonetheless]
+ Senior Citizen Hospitality (for a while now) [I've collected books and made dishes of cookies and other snacks for my local senior citizen home, where my great-grandmother lived before she moved to a nursing home some years ago and where, truthfully, I have felt a great sense of comfort in being.]</p>
<p>Next year, I'm fairly sure I will be an inductee of the NHS. I also plan to take part in a few of my town's "Community Beautification" projects over the summer, including one called Rob-A-Riverbank, aimed to clean up our local river park so that it is safe for both the wildlife and the people that go there. Next year, I am able to be a member of the Prom Committee, and may also join my church's Youth Group (not sure, but I hear it's a blast).</p>
<p>I think I've covered everything. I didn't intend for this to be as long as it turned out to be, but I wanted to include everything that may be taken into consideration when I apply for colleges my senior year.</p>
<p>I am not presumptuous enough to "know" that I will go to Yale, but I am interested enough that I would really love to know if I stand a chance. Any replies would be appreciated, and constructive criticisms/suggestions to better my EC's/academic transcript are welcomed!</p>
<p>Take care,